METACOM GROUP is one of the foremost providers of marine repair, building and conversion services |
marine, repair, building, services, construction, steel, steelbuilding, petrochemical, outfitting, sandblasting, equipments, industrial, metallic, inerting, vessel, manufacturing, assembly, pipes, oil, processing, ...
tubes, steel, stockholder, pipes, mechanical, hydraulic, cold drawn tube, welded tube, hot finished tube, hollow bar, steel tube,
Corporate website of Samung Otelinox Targoviste - the only producer of stainless steel products in the former communist countries in Europe |
Otelinox, Stainless, Steel, Stainless Steel, Stainless Flat, Stainless Pipes, Cold rolled, Corrosion resisting, Austenitic, ferritic, AISI, Steel Grade, surface finish, CrNi steel, low carbon steel, chromium, Cr steel, stell coils, stainless steel coils, stainles steel sheets, ...
Pepcon este o companie care ofera solutia moderna de pardoseli si pavaje decorative de la Elitecrete INC si Concrete Slutions INC |
Cercetare, Diagnostic, Veterinar, Farmaceutice, Distributie, Medicina, sanitatie, animale, zootehnie, consultanta, stiinta, veterinar
construction, constructie, constructii, house, casa, case, building, cladire, cladiri, hale, hala, concrete, statie de betoane, statie de sortare, prefabricate, prefabricat, prefabricate, constructii hidrotehnice, lucrari edilitare, canalizari, ...
ROMARC SA - romanian foreign trade company |
romanian, foreign, trade, industry, equipment, engineering, rolling, stock, railway, bogies, sleepers, freight, car, coaches, wagons, rails, cement, kilns, crusher, conveyor, ...
NPP, Nuclear Power Plants, Finite Element, Software, Mechanical Structural Analysis, Seismic Risk, Hazard, Fragility, Civil Engineering, Structural-Mechanical Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Consulting, Stevenson, Stevenson Europe, Romania, Stevenson and Associates, Finite Element Analysis, FEA, Seismic, Dynamic, ...
