Electroputere, Craiova, Romania, ISO, 9001,
electric, apparatus, disconnecting, switches, low, medium, high, voltage, load, automatized,
switching units, transformers, current, capacitive, special, ...
Abris de jardin, Chalet en madriers ou ossature bois, Gloriettes, Garages et carports, Saunas, Meuble de jardin, Piscines en bois, Meuble pour interieur... ! |
Romania, Roumanie, bois, wood, legno, construction, produits, products, prodotti, maison, houses, case, residenziali, abris, jardin, giardino, chalets, ossature, massif, madriers, ...
Freudenberg is a family company offering its customers technically challenging product solutions and services. |
Freudenberg, Family company, seals, gaskets, Vibration Control Technology, Filter, nonwovens, release agents, lubricants, Household Products, Technology specialist, Automotive supplier, engine construction, production systems, power generation industry, chemicals industry, Research Services, ...
geiger, geiger rumänien, rumänien, Straßenbau, Tiefbau, Schlüsselfertigbau, Steine und Erden, Steine, Kies, raw stock, building, road building, road, turnkey constructions, constructions, ecological technologies, materii prime, constructii, tehnologii ecologice, constructia de drumuri, ...
Gemite Romania ramura romana a grupului de companii GEMITE, lider mondial in materiale de constructii, diagnosticare si expertiza, sisteme eficiente de constructii |
S.C. GIMART IMPORT EXPORT S.R.L. se ocupa cu executia si montajul de confectii si constructii metalice, masini si utilaje pentru industria materialelor de constructii, utilaje si piese de schimb pentru industrie, producerea si distribuirea oxigenului tehnic |
S.C. GIMART IMPORT EXPORT S.R.L., Calarasi, Romania, confectii si constructii metalice, masini si utilaje pentru industria materialelor de constructii, utilaje si piese de schimb pentru industrie, producerea si distribuirea oxigenului tehnic
official web site of GPM Titan International |
machine, tool, tools, CNC, horizontal, borer, horizontal, borers, boring, mill, vertical, turret, lathe, turning, Bucharest, Romania, Europe, supplier, provider, distribution, ...
List of the most important objectives built by Hidroconstructia SA, Raul Mare Retezat Branch.
Lista celor mai importante obiective construite de Hidroconstructia S.A. Sucursala Raul Mare Retezat. |
hidrormr, hidroconstructia, rmr, raul mare retezat, retezat, gura apelor, constructii,
hidrotehnice, hidro, constructii civile, civile, sedii, sediu, poduri, pod, drum, drumuri, baraje, centrale,
centrala, ...
Imatex SA is shear holded company, established in 1948, specialized in production of machinery, for different industry sectors. Till 1990 the main activity was the production of the textile machinery but from then on regarding the market changes we had to change our company strategy and activities. |
National Institute for Building Research. Largest seismic network of Romania, professional tests & measurements, national building codes, technical agrements & consultancy |
building, research, institute, Romania, earthquake engineering, structural engineering, seismic, seismic hazard, seismic risk, seismic safety, seismic vulnerability, civil engineering, concrete technology, construction materials, building structures, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, steel structures, wood structures, masonry, ...
