Cuvinte cautate: Consultancy audit | pagina 9


Forum Invest, a world of business connections - Adresa web
ForumInvest supports the international business community through business forums and events, PR & public affairs and business consultancy related to Romania

Compania nationala de consultanta FREE AUDIT axata pe servicii de consultanta specializata in sisteme integrate de management, va sta la dispozitie in vederea certificarii standardelor ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, ISO 22000, OHSAS, potrivit nevoilor individuale ale firmei dumneavoastra .

Grapefruit: Acasă - Adresa web
Grapefruit creează şi sprijină branduri corporatiste şi de produs ale clienţilor din întreaga lume.

Romania Internet Security Systems, Home - Adresa web
Romania Internet Security Systems is the first Independednt IT Security Consultancy Company from ROMANIA

ACORD HOLDING - Adresa web
CONTABILITATE SI AUDIT FINANCIAR - analiza financiara a firmei tale.

Gheorghe Iovu, Muzica terapeutica, Melotarapie - Adresa web
Site-ul oficial al artistului Gheorghe Iovu - Muzica terapeutica

GIEF - Adresa web
Group of Independent Experts ROMANIA. GIE FOLOS consultants are offering technical assistance related to the environment: Management of the urban and industrial waste, Impact evaluation, Risk evaluation (SEVESO), Pollution monitoring (water, air, soil, waste, noise, transport), Environmental Audit (EMAS), Introduction of the environmental management systems in enterprises (ISO 14001), Market sectorial analysis, Training

Grapefruit: Acasă - Adresa web
Grapefruit creează şi sprijină branduri corporatiste şi de produs ale clienţilor din întreaga lume.

Grapefruit: Acasă - Adresa web
Grapefruit creează şi sprijină branduri corporatiste şi de produs ale clienţilor din întreaga lume.

G4S - Adresa web
G4S operates in over 100 countries throughout the world, employing around 500, 000 people. It is a market leader in the provision of security solutions in many of the countries in which it operates.

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