Internet services, internet software, web design, web hosting, document conversions, PDF to DOC, flash animations, vectorisation, CAD conversion ant others |
web design, design, document conversion, conversion des documents, PDF to DOC, CAD conversions, web pages, flash animations, internet service provider, hosting, romania, roumanie, software
Websiteul contine informatii despre Fonduri Europene nerambursabile pentru Romania 2007-2013. Fonduri structurale, Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionala, Fondul Social European (FSE) si Fondul de Coeziune (FC). Finantarea unei investitii folosind fonduri structurale nerambursabile - Ce sunt Fondurile Structurale Europene - Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionala |
fonduri, structurale, eligibile, cheltuieli, plan, afacere, studiu, fezabilitate, finantare, proiecte, firma, consultanta, program, fermierul, agricultura, rural, uniunea, europeana, romania, banca, ...
NLPRO: introducere in NLP.
Societatea de Programare Neuro-Lingvistica NLPRO ofera training si consultanta pentru persoane fizice si firme: comunicare, dezvoltare personala, leadership, team building, formare NLP. |
Acest tumult silenşios doarme |
Nordlitera, nordlitera, Bucovina, News, news, New, new, Technology, technology, Headlines, headlines, Nuke, nuke, PHP-Nuke, phpnuke, php-nuke, Geek, geek, Geeks, geeks, ...
Offshore websites development company services from Romania and offshore outsourcing it services from Romania. |
Nortel is a recognized leader in delivering communications capabilities that enhance the human experience, ignite and power global commerce, and secure and protect the world's most critical information. |
Central and Eastern Europe, Nortel, Nortel Networks, Northern Telecom, Unified Networks, digital switching, voice data communications, mobility, mobile communications, multimedia communications, carrier, telecommunications carrier, voice over IP, voice over data, wireless network, Integrated Wireless Centrex, telecommunications equipment, network routing switch, network routing, routing switch, ...
NoBug is an expert digital design verification company that masters a full range of technologies (functional, formal, and assertion-based) with a variety of tools (Specman, RuleBase, Vera, SystemVerilog, Verilog-PLI/C). NoBug's activity covers 3 directions: Digital Design Verification, Digital Design and Software development for EDA tools. |
NoBug, NOBUG, consulting, ASIC, VLSI, design, verification, services, system-on-chip, SOC,
hardware, chip, microcontroller, network processor, silicon, 10Gbps, Ethernet, chipset, device, core, ...
Nortel is a recognized leader in delivering communications capabilities that enhance the human experience, ignite and power global commerce, and secure and protect the world's most critical information. |
Central and Eastern Europe, Nortel, Nortel Networks, Northern Telecom, Unified Networks, digital switching, voice data communications, mobility, mobile communications, multimedia communications, carrier, telecommunications carrier, voice over IP, voice over data, wireless network, Integrated Wireless Centrex, telecommunications equipment, network routing switch, network routing, routing switch, ...