The entry page to Dimsoft's Web site. Find software (Hansa, Microsoft, Symantec), solutions, answers, support, and Dimsoft news. |
training, cursuri, instruire, instruire Microsoft, cursuri Microsoft, MCSE, MCDBA, MCSA, Securitate, Securitate Informatica, produse, software, hardware, Hansa, Romania, bucuresti, hansa, Hansa, Microsoft, Symantec, ...
Dinamys Prime Consulting SRL - Implementare de sisteme de management: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000, HACCP; Fonduri structurale; Consultanta in agricultura |
Dinamys, DINAMYS, Prime, PRIME, Consulting, CONSULTING, dinamys, prime, consulting, sistem, managerial, management, implementare, Implementare, Fond, Consultanta, Satu, Mare, Bucuresti, iso, ...
web, hosting, design, Romania, dion |
Hosting, hosting .net, hosting SQL, SQL server, baze de date,, MySQL, ASP.NET 2.0, MS SQL, ftp update, ftp, php, Linux, Microsoft, tehnologies, web, site, mail,
mailing, newsletter, ...
Direct Marketing Group is a Romanian advertising agency specialized in databases and direct marketing programs. |
Direct marketing, marketing direct, Direct mail, database, promotions, list, direct e-mail, baze de date, trimiteri postale, lista, consumatori, clienti, firme, baza de date, management promotii, call-center, ...
DirectVision is a Romanian based software company, with headquarters in Bucharest, specialized in business analysis consultancy, software development and deployment and application tuning and optimization. We bring together a group of high level IT experts, a dynamic group of young professionals who are particularly experienced in international multilingual working environment. |
offshore software development, offshore software outsourcing, software outsourcing, offshore outsourcing, software outsourcing company, custom software development, offshore software development Romania Eastern Europe, offshore software outsourcing Romania Eastern Europe, software outsourcing Romania Eastern Europe, offshore outsourcing Romania Eastern Europe, software outsourcing company Romania Eastern Europe
Web design Brasov, solutii web, corporate id, multimedia, e-commerce, pagina web, site, prezentare firma, prezentare pe internet, imagine companie, identitate vizuala, firma, brasov, promovare, webdesign, web, design, pagini internet, promovare pe internet, discover group, ...
J&J Group - Aluminium & Acrylic Displays - Producator rame click, click frame, poster frames, casete luminoase, light box, lightbox, illuminated displays, people stoppers, suport brosuri, suport poster, brochure holders, totem, roll up, urne, info boards, leaflet dispensers, aviziere pluta si magnetice, pupitre, sisteme afisaj, panouri publicitare, roll banner |
We provide logistics, transport, distribution in Romania and forwarding to and from the Benelux. Our parent organisation, the Wim Bosman Group, ensures a high quality of services and state of the art IT. |
Transport, Warehousing, Forwarding, customs clearance, Romania, distribution, dijkman, logistics, ISO 9001, east, Europe. Wim Bosman
Dolex Pro Group S.R.L. importă şi distribuie īn Romānia - aparate foto Minolta |
