nearshore software development, outsourcing, offshore, Wittmann&Partner, Sibiu, Romania, .net, Java, PowerBuilder, Lotus Notes, web, ecommerce
Outsourcing web, Outsourcing php mysql, Outsourcing, Romania, Software, offshore development, Online Appointments, Online Schedule, Online Scheduling, Online Inventory, programari online, asigurari online, program brokeri asigurari, Programming House Outsource Projects, appointment management, B2B, B2C, back-office, business intelligence, calendar, campaign design, contact, contact management, control, corporate, CRM, CRM software, customer, customer management, customer relationship management ... |
Outsourcing, Romania, Software, offshore development, Programming House Outsource Projects, appointment management, B2B, B2C, back-office, business intelligence, calendar, campaign design, contact, contact management, control, corporate, CRM, CRM software, customer, customer management, ...
VIA Software - solutii software eLearning |
elearning, eLearning software, LMS, LCMS, elis, software resurse umane, outsourcing in romania, invatamant online, software, instruire, consultanta, evaluare personal, invatamant sincron, invatamant asistat, cms, universitati online, , outsourcing, instruire online, offshore software development, ...
APACHEMEDIA este agentie de publicitate full service. Noi va oferim servicii si solutii complete in functie de necesitatile de comunicare prin imagine ale fiecarui client. |
agentie de publicitate, publicitate, site web, web, design, identitate corporatie, identitate vizuala, graphic, graphic art, graphic design, development, web programming, layout, hosting, creatie, reclama, e-commerce, ...
Romanian based APT Resources 2 divisions: PR Communications & HR services. Event marketing, media relations, financial PR, graphic design are practiced. Also payroll processing, employee leasing, HR regulations counsel, staff team building programs. |
Admin, Advertising, Agency, APT, Artwork, Assessment, Brand, Branding, Calcul salarial, Call Center, Career, Communication, Conference, Copywriting, Cost, Councelling, Creative, CV, development, Employee, ...
Automatizarea fortei de vanzari, automatizarea vanzarilor, CRM, software pentru dispozitive mobile, aplicatii soft pentru turism, agentii turism, solutii pentru informatizarea agentiilor de turism, ticketing, back-office, backoffice, solutii complete, cazari, evenimente. software pentru agentii de turism, localizare gps, navigare gps, navigatie GPS, PDA cu GPS, PDA Romania, AROBS Transilvania Software, Pocket PC, Palm, Microsoft, Java, J2EE, SFA, offshore software development, Optimall, Soft-Exp ... |
automatizarea fortei de vanzari, vanzarilor, SFA, software agentii de turism, back-office, navigare gps, navigatie GPS, PDA Romania, localizare gps, call center, AROBS Transilvania Software, PDA cu GPS, Cluj, Optimall
Oferim clientilor nostri servicii de audit si strategie de brand, naming, corporate identity, design de ambalaj, ambiental, branding online, comunicare interna si externa de brand, design, webdesign, design interactiv. |
consultanta de brand, design, branding, audit de brand, strategie de brand, naming, identitate de corporatie, design de ambalaj, design ambiental, comunicare de brand, campanie de imagine, branding intern, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Europa de Est, ...
adl.com is Arthur D. Little's global webpage. Founded in 1886, Arthur D. Little is the world's first and oldest management consulting firm with a strong focus on sustainability, innovation and technology. |
Arthur D. Little, ADL, adlittle, management consulting, sustainability, technology, innovation, Arthur D Little, adlittle, strategy, global, consulting, supply chain, change management, outsourcing, offshoring, ...
ArtSoft Consult - Romanian based software outsourcing company, located in Cluj-Napoca. Outsourcing / offshore services in software development. |
Java, oracle, outsourcing, offshore, software, Romania, development, database, custom, IT Outsourcing, Eastern Europe, Rollout, Testing, mobile, Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Business, Investitii, Investition, Kapital, ...
Activitatea Atlas Corporation este structurata pe divizii distincte ce reprezinta fiecare cate un jucator puternic pe piata in care activeaza. |