Cuvinte cautate: Cotidian local mures | pagina 4


Proiectul de reabilitare a Statiei de Epurare, Arad - Adresa web
Proiectul de reabilitare a statiei de epurare din Arad - Proiect finantat prin Uniunea Europeana, fonduri ISPA.

IMOBILIARE: - Adresa web
IMOBILIARE TERENURI: Portal Imobiliare(, MOBVISION=Sistem Informatic Destinat Agentiilor Imobiliare.Este format din aplicatie locala de management si gestiune imobiliara + acces la portalul + site al agentiei. Toate componentele sunt conectate intre ele.

Aquaserv SA Tg-Mures - Adresa web
pagina Aquaserv

Arbeit MF, CAD services, programming, Web design, technical translations (technische ubersetzungen deutsch ... - Adresa web
Arbeit MF homepage: CAD and programming services: AutoCAD drafting and 3D modelling, AutoLISP programming; Delphi, Pascal, C/C++ programming, technical translations (german - romanian, english - romanian, french - romanian); technische ubersetzungen (deutsch - rumanisch); software localisation --

, Despre noi - Adresa web
ARCHIPROG - Software pentru societati comerciale Proiectare in arhitectura, Aplicatie de emitere si gestiune a facturilor si chitantelor, Oferta job arhitect, arhitect stagiar, conductor arhitect, Tehnician proiectant, ARCHIPROG societate comerciala de programare si proiectare in arhitectura

Automatizarea fortei de vanzari, SFA, AVL GPS monitorizare parc auto, localizare flota, software agentii ... - Adresa web
Automatizarea fortei de vanzari, automatizarea vanzarilor, CRM, software pentru dispozitive mobile, aplicatii soft pentru turism, agentii turism, solutii pentru informatizarea agentiilor de turism, ticketing, back-office, backoffice, solutii complete, cazari, evenimente. software pentru agentii de turism, localizare gps, navigare gps, navigatie GPS, PDA cu GPS, PDA Romania, AROBS Transilvania Software, Pocket PC, Palm, Microsoft, Java, J2EE, SFA, offshore software development, Optimall, Soft-Exp ...

ART MANUFACT, events, web development, advertising, consulting and PR - Adresa web
We'll create passion for you! As one of the leading web development and event organizer societies in Mures county we have extended our activities to a broad range of advertising, consulting and PR services.

:: TV ADLER TRADING SRL, Televiziune, Internet, Telefonie :: - Adresa web
TV ADLER TRADING SRL - televiziune prin cablu, acces internet prin fibra optica, telefonie.

Revista presei, ziare, program TV, forum, anunturi gratuite - Adresa web
Ziare, Revista presei - Colectia stirilor din ziarele de astazi

Astra Film Festival 2007 Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania - Adresa web
ASTRA FILM is unique in this part of Europe. It promotes the production of good quality non-fiction film in Romania and in the region, and offers filmgoers the opportunity to meet documentarists from all over the world. The format of the Festival confers worldwide interest in the event while preserving the specific local and regional flavor.

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