Asociatia Culturala Renasterea isi propune sa dezvolte proiecte culturale, stiintifice si sportive privind valorificarea potentialului local si zonal, sa pastreze si sa dezvolte traditiile si obiceiurile legate de sarbatorile religioase si laice, sa organizeze concursuri, festivaluri culturale, stiintifice si sportive, sa asigure participarea a unor persoane oameni de cultura, formatii si echipe culturale si sportive la expozitii de arte plastice, de carte, concursuri, festivaluri judetene si na ... |
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Romania is where Old Europe Lives! Our travel guide for Americans will let you discover the Real Romania and travel UNESCO World Heritage areas with stunning natural beauty. Enjoy the very last vestiges of Old Europe still functioning in small villages with wooden churches. Don't miss the sunny sea coast at Constanta, an old Greek and Roman city on the Black Sea! Travel to the wine country of Moldova, dine on an ice lake in summer, and beware the wolves, bears and lynx in the mountain forest p ... |
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INCDA Fundulea are ca obiect de activitate cercetarea agricola privind cerealele, plantele tehnice si furajere, cāt si in valorificarea acestor rezultate de catre cultivatori> <meta name= |
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The roADIro is a non-profit educational and informational association for ROMANIA |
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Active and Outdoor Holidays in Transylvania / Carpathians / Romania. walk, hike, trek, cycle, bike, mountain bike, horseride, rock climb, paragalide, see wildlife: bears, see birds, nature or only |
package tours, Romania, Transylvania, Transilvania, Dracula, walking, trekking, hiking, rambling, mountaineer, cycling, mountain biking, outdoor, active, holiday, skiing, horse, horseback, riding, adventure, ...
RomaniaUSA e-grup dedicat discutiilor, cunostintelor si informatiilor despre viata in Romania si USA. Motto-ul egrupului: Romani. Pur si Simplu. |
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Asociatia Culturala Romania in Lume |
Editia online a ziarului Romania libera |
Ziarul Romania libera, stiri, presa, noutati, eveniment, editorial, economie, finante, cultura, sport, divertisment, politica
Romania is where Old Europe Lives! Our travel guide for Americans will let you discover the Real Romania and travel UNESCO World Heritage areas with stunning natural beauty. Enjoy the very last vestiges of Old Europe still functioning in small villages with wooden churches. Don't miss the sunny sea coast at Constanta, an old Greek and Roman city on the Black Sea! Travel to the wine country of Moldova, dine on an ice lake in summer, and beware the wolves, bears and lynx in the mountain forest p ... |
romania, travel, guide, travel guide, reviews, geography, consulate, maps, tourist, reviews, embassy, holiday, history, government, accommodation, economy, visas, vlad dracula, outdoor, bed and breakfast, ...