importator si distribuitor produse promotionale, produse si servicii de comunicare si marketing |
promotionale, obiecte promotionale, importator direct, distribuitor, pixuri, europen, balla, promos collection, tricouri, textile, camasi, lanyards, sepci, salopete, halate, veste reflectorizante, umbrele transparente, umbrele, genti documente, genti, ...
Asesoft International - aplicatii software |
Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
Advantage Software Factory, Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Sales Force automation, Customer Support, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania
Software de contabilitate de gestiune |
Assist Suceava Romania - Calculatoare, Internet, Hardware, Software. |
Assist; Assist Software; Suceava; Romania; Calculatoare; ISP; Internet; Hardware; Software; Oferte; Imprimante; dealeri; Cimpulung; Botosani; Solutii; Provider; Solutions; Specialisti; Tehnica; Telefonie; Telefoane; GSM; Mobil; Mobile; Driver; Drivere; Drivers; Suport; Support; Asistenta; Garantie; Calitate;
Servicii informatice, baze de date, web design, software, hardware |
baze de date
web design
asistenta software
Magazinul Online Atlantic Computers va ofera o gama larga de calculatoare, produse media, electronice, periferice, echipamente de retea, imprimante, copiatoare, videoproiectoare si software la cele mai mici preturi. |
vanzari online, magazin online, reducere, reduceri, discount, discounturi, cadou, cadouri, promotie, promotii, calculatoare, electronice, retele, birotica, notebook, laptop, server, INTEL, AMD, ...
S.C. AttoSOFT S.R.L. Galati realizeaza si implementeaza programe de contabilitate, gestiune, salarii, financiare, ERP, CRM, management, financiar-contabile, productie, mijloace fixe, leasing, automatizarea fortei de vanzari, piese si service auto, OLAP, Business Intelligence, rapoarte manageriale, hotel, restaurant. |
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Online sales and auction management. Vendio provides Smart Services to Smart Sellers (TM). Vendio enables businesses of all size to leverage the distribution potential of the Internet. Through its suite of sales management services and full-service asset remarketing solutions, Vendio helps businesses efficiently promote, sell, and distribute their products online by automating and managing every element of the online sales process. Services offered include inventory management, online store cre ... |
auction, auctions, online auction, action, auctioneer, auctioneers, auction company, auction portal, auction site, auction image hosting, auction counters, auction manager, auction management, AW, image hosting, online selling, small business, SMB, small businesses services, customer relationship management, ...
ADV Auto Power and Technology, importator, Romania, Vieta, Tom Tom, RockFordFosgate, Parott, Meyer, MyGuide, Cobra, Caliber, SysonChip, Player, Multimedia, Portabil, Antene, GPS, Unitati multimedia, Amplificatoare, Difuzoare, ...
