Leather Handbags, Travel Bags, Italian Handbags and Fashion Bags at Half Price. Also purses, wallets, designer handbags, Enny leather handbags, Tula leather purses, Gianni Conti Italian Leather Handbags and Luggage |
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Florian Marina - Graphic Designer, highly cultivated in the World of arts, 10 years of study in art especially printing, engraving techniques and all aspects of Graphic Design, 8 years of experience of apple mac & PC working mainly 2D graphics with the latest versions of adobe Photoshop, Freehand, Kai Power Tools,
Image Ready, Quark XPress |
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CMYK, ...
Institutul Multimedia Romano-Elvetian organizeaza cursuri designer web, programator web, webmaster, cursuri web, cursuri ecdl |
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Our company activity is web design and software developement. If you have any project in this fields please let us to know ASAP |
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Agentie de creatie specializata in web design, web development si consultanta web |
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Inter Media Promotion - Agentie de Publicitate, editor pliante publicitate pe calea ferata si Harta Bucurestiului, grafica, DTP, tiparituri. |
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Irina Schrotter is one of the biggest names in the Romanian fashion, managing to impose not only a new style, but also a new approach on the idea of feminine elegance |
Irina, Schrotter, Irina Schrotter, fashion, fall-winter, fall, winter, spring, summer, collection, show, shop, Romanian Fashion, design, fashion design, design workshop, Romanian Fashion Week, Iasi, Romania, color, ...
Web Design, Offering Web Design/Development, Multimedia Flash Design, Logo Design |
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FLA sources and websites to download for flash macromedia |
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