Prezentarea firmei Bergerat Monnoyeur Romania, dealer exclusiv Caterpillar pe piata romaneasca. |
Calitatea pe care acum ti-o poti permite. Propunem solutii de computere customizate sa faca fata celor mai exigente cerinte - B.M.CO. X-Blade, B.M.CO. Qubic, B.M.CO. Home entertainment PC . Distribuitor oficial in Oltenia si vestul tarii de produse 3m, folie, mocheta si banda antiderapanta |
B.M.CO. X-Blade, B.M.CO. Qubic, B.M.CO. Home entertainment PC, produse 3M, folie auto omologata RAR 3M, folie de securitate 3M, folie solara 3M, mocheta de trafic 3M, 3M banda antiderapanta, sisteme audio Hi-Fi, Bose, Intel, computere, Fujitsu, elemente de retelistica Nexans, Alcatel, ...
Boccardo Entreprise SRL este lider de piata in constructia de sisteme complete de apa, gaz, drenaj si canalizare inca din 1994. Societatea noastra are exclusivitate pe piata romaneasca la urmatoarele servicii/produse: hidranti, vane, racorduri de electrofuziune, fitinguri de compresie, sisteme de pompare a apei, drenaj |
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Distribuitor autorizat Iveco Astra New Holland Construction TCM |
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Ayon Logic e o companie tanara si dinamica, situata in Iasi, Romania. Punctele noastre forte sunt solutiile web si designul si dezvoltarea de situri web, precum si distributia de terminale informationale si de solutii si tehnologii touch screen. |
| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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