PSS - Prosoft Solutions ofera clientilor solutii software pentru retail, VisualStore, profitPOS, precum si servicii de consultanta si proiectare software, dezvoltare, implementare, suport, mentenanta si call center pentru retail |
POS, software pentru retail, imprimante fiscale, VisualStore, Visual Store, retail, comert cu amanuntul, profitPOS, front office, loyalty, fidelity, soft, soft retail, Mettler Toledo, cantare, solutii retail, comert, call center, POS software , ...
PSS - Prosoft Solutions ofera clientilor solutii software pentru retail, VisualStore, profitPOS, precum si servicii de consultanta si proiectare software, dezvoltare, implementare, suport, mentenanta si call center pentru retail |
POS, software pentru retail, imprimante fiscale, VisualStore, Visual Store, retail, comert cu amanuntul, profitPOS, front office, loyalty, fidelity, soft, soft retail, Mettler Toledo, cantare, solutii retail, comert, call center, POS software , ...
GE Money Thailand is a leading consumer finance service provider in Thai, offering auto finance, store credit cards, installment finance, personal loans and bank-issued international credit cards such as the Krungsri Visa and Krungsri MasterCard. |
GE, GE Money, GE Consumer Finance, Thailand, Thai, GE Capital Auto Lease, Central, Home Pro, Tesco Lotus, First Choice, Power Buy, Quik Cash, Krungsri Visa, Krungsi MasterCard, Krungsri, Bank of Ayudhya, BAY, Krungsri Lady MasterCard, GE Money Retail Bank, ...
Navigheaza prin cea mai complexa colectie de restiere si sisteme de afisaj in-store de pe piata romaneasca. |
restiere, artmatch, deskwindo, floorwindo, retail, cashtray, tejghea, pult, POS, display, afisaj, in-store, advertising, noex, reclama, ...
European website of the Ridge Tool Company (brand name: RIDGID). We make tools for professionals for pipe tubing and cutting, pressing, inspection, locating, threading and much more. |
rigid, ridgid, Ridge, professional, tool, clamping, threading, roll grooving, pressing, pipe cutting, tube cutting, tube preparation, bending, sawing, assembly, maintenance, inspection, seesnake, diamond drilling, diamond cutting, ...
societate cu capital
israelian, specializata in sisteme de refrigerare, ventilatie
si aer conditionat |
sisteme de refrigerare, ventilatie
, aer conditionat, depozite, tunele frigorifice, masini monobloc, vitrine frigorifice, servicii medicale - refrigeration systems, ventilation, air conditioning, cold storage, blast freezer, packaged plug-in refrigeration units, display refrigerators, medical plants, ...
ROMCONSTRUCT AG, construction company. ACTIVITIES: 1. Welded structural metal fabrications: - industrial halls; - mobile telephony poles; - awnings; - equipment stands; - ladders, handrails, anti-corrosive protection grates, sand-blasting, dyeing or hot zinc plating services. 2. Static and pressure vessels (carbon steel or stainless steel): - water and fuels storage containers; - pressure vessels; - industrial installations. 3. Air ducts made of zinc plated metal sheet (stainless steel or alumin ... |
Romconstruct, Buzau, Romania, structures, ducts, stacks, diverter, silo, tanks, storage, vessels, stainless, steel, tanks, cyclones, conveyor, systems, field, erection, installation, ...
Rowenta home appliances manufacturer: vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, tea kettles, toaster, products for personal care and linen care, body care systems, hair removal appliances, steam irons, steam generators... |
rowenta, home appliances manufacturer, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, tea kettles, toasters, personal, care, body, steam, generator, store
