But et objectifs de l'association Amifran Arad Roumanie, association pour la defense et l'illustration de la langue francaise: organisation du festival international de theatre Amifran, spectacles de jeunes lyceens(theatre), spectacles des professionnels(theatre), formations theatre |
amifran, theatre, formation, illustration, langue, francaise, arad, roumanie, association, festival, international, spectacle, jeune, professionnels
Distribuitor echipamente de productie publicitara marca Seron.
Servici advertising complete, tiparire offset, garavare laser si mecanic, casete luminoase, imprimare de format mare mesh, banner. Inscriptionare masini etc. |
serigrafie, large format printing, stickere, offset, print de mari dimensiuni, gravare cu laser, firme luminoase, copy center, imprimare banner, mesh, stampile, casete luminoase
ARA, water, EXPOAPA, apa, comitet teritorial, canal, canalizare, colectare, asociatie, asociatia, romana, epurare, tratare, deversare, organizatie, ong, operatorii, regii, companii, informare, ...
IMOBILIARE TERENURI: Portal Imobiliare(www.imobiliare-online.ro), MOBVISION=Sistem Informatic Destinat Agentiilor Imobiliare.Este format din aplicatie locala de management si gestiune imobiliara + acces la portalul www.imobiliare-online.ro + site al agentiei. Toate componentele sunt conectate intre ele. |
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Art Studio NC is a very well equipped professional photo studio for commercial photography. Covers many areas of commercial photography, from product shoots and still life to large on-location photography shoots. Art Studio NC also produces fine art photography. Provides the best in high quality photography, based on elegant studio lighting and creative image making. |
photography, commercial, pictures, Romania, Bucharest, nicolae cosniceru, artist, art studio, artstudio, advertising, assignments, studio, fine art, still life, product shoot, fashion, portrait, landscape, architecture, on-location, ...
Cabinet avocatura Simona Coman - Law Office of Simona Coman |
ASC, Simona Coman, asclegal, Bucharest, Romania, law office, solicitors, attorneys, legal services, legal practice, commercial law, corporate law, employment law, property law, privatisation, insolvency, competition, intellectual property, negotiation, litigation, ...
ASTRA FILM is unique in this part of Europe. It promotes the production of good quality non-fiction film in Romania and in the region, and offers filmgoers the opportunity to meet documentarists from all over the world. The format of the Festival confers worldwide interest in the event while preserving the specific local and regional flavor. |
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tipar digital outdoor, productie outdoor, tipar digital, tipar digital mari dimensiuni, printuri outdoor, printuri digitale, avantgarde printing, avantgarde print, print outdoor, print mari dimensiuni, outdoor, print, avantgarde, avangard, avangarde, avantgard, avangrade, large format digital printing, printing, large format, ...
Avery offers a wide assortment of office supplies and office products including labels, dividers, markers, highlighters, name badges and more. Download free software or browse online for helpful tips and ideas at Avery.com! |
