Cuvinte cautate: Duplo train | pagina 12


index, Fundatia EUROLINK, Casa Europei / EUROLINK, House of Europe (since 1997) - Adresa web
Romanian NGO promoting the European Idea, the United Europe, member of the International federation of Europe Houses (FIME). Search for: educational programmes for students, intensive trainings, international conferences, research papers, advocacy and lobby campaigns...

Human Value Consulting :: Consultanta in Resurse Umane, Training, Recrutare si Selectie - Adresa web
Human Value Consulting ofera consultanta in resurse umane, training, recrutare si selectie de personal

IASIG - Adresa web
Cursuri in domeniul asigurarilor - postuniversitar, perfectionare, training, asigurari, brokeri, consultant, student, jurist, contabil, actuar, IT, inspector de risc, evaluator, underwriter.

• INFOSECAD • INFOrmation SECurity Active Duty - Adresa web
Check Point Partner INFOSECAD - INFOrmation SECurity Active Duty

INICAD, Institute for CAD Implementation, Romania - Adresa web
INICAD - Institute for CAD Implementation - Romanian company offering CAD design services, also distribution and Training for Cosmos, Cimatron, Simpoe, Stampack, Itasca, Flac, Arche and EFFEL

HR Device - solutii externalizate de resurse umane

Student Travel, Work and Travel, Bilete de avion, Acasã - Adresa web
Agentie de turism. Munca in strainatate. Work and Travel USA, Bilete de avion.

IRECSON, Institutul Roman de Cercetari Economico-Sociale si Sondaje - Adresa web
irecson, curs, cercetare, servicii, turism, editura, curs management, curs marketing, curs vanzari, curs resurse umane, curs turism, curs iata foundation, curs acca, curs contabilitate si fiscalitate, curs limbi straine, curs imobiliar, curs asigurari, curs excelenta in comunicare, training, manager de proiect, curs secretariat, curs asistent manager, curs formare de formatori, curs formator, curs manager marketing, curs manager de vanzari, curs agent de vanzari, curs manager resurse umane, curs ...

Start, Institutul Român de Training - Adresa web
Ultimele ÅŸtiri

ITSMF Romania, home - Adresa web
Only recognized body for developing IT best practices according ITIL

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