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Visit the Old World, Visit Romania - Visit Transylvania, Unique Journeys - Unique Travel Destinations,
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B&B - Pension - Guest House, Romania - Romanian, Hungary - Hungarian - Magyar, Roma - Gypsies,
Saxon German, Eastern Europe - Balkans, Transylvania - Erdely, Targu Mures, Accommodations - ..., ...
The first European train-ticketing network makes on-line bookings for international train routes and airlines; euro-passes with 20-40% savings. Credit card payments accepted. |
best prices for train tickets, travel passes, discounts, savings, train routes, reservations, on-line, online, bookings, credit cards, accepted, departures, ticketing company, business trips, travel arrangements, transportation, stations, railways, rails, Romania, ...
Agentia de turism Focus Travel din Bucuresti, Focus Travel Romania, accommodation in Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Turkey, Tunisia, travel to South-Eastern Europe, sea and sun destination expert. |
Agentia de turism Focus Travel din Bucuresti, Focus Travel Romania, accommodation in Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Turkey, Tunisia, travel to South-Eastern Europe, sea and sun destination expert. Visit Romania, Bucharest, painted
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Endava . Professional IT Services organisation operating across Europe, specialized in the delivery and operation of IT based Business Solutions and Secure Messaging Systems for Financial Services, Telecoms, Media and Technology |
Java, .Net, Microsoft, Nearshore, Offshore, Managed Services, Technical Support, Software, Development, Testing, Consultancy, Linux, Windows, Requirements, Architecture, Financial Services, Telecoms, Media, IT Services, IT Business Solutions, ...
ArtSoft Consult - Romanian based software outsourcing company, located in Cluj-Napoca. Outsourcing / offshore services in software development. |
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ASTRA FILM is unique in this part of Europe. It promotes the production of good quality non-fiction film in Romania and in the region, and offers filmgoers the opportunity to meet documentarists from all over the world. The format of the Festival confers worldwide interest in the event while preserving the specific local and regional flavor. |