GC Studio Porcelain is Gherghina Costea's online gallery of classy, exquisite and refined gifts for personal or corporate use, one of a kind handmade objects |
art, art objects, ceramics, porcelain, ceramics, gifts, exquisite gifts, classy gifts, corporate gifts, sculptural ceramics, sculptural porcelain, studio porcelain, icons, byzantine icons, jewelry, porcelain jewelry, fashion jewelry, brooches, porcelain vessels, decorative objects, ...
colimoro, materiale publicitare, serigrafie, imprimări textile, imprimari textile, ceramice, tricouri, cani, căni, pixuri, brichete, afişe, afise, postere, pliante, panouri, etichete, adezive, īnfolieri, infolieri, ...
metalurgice, tabla, teava, otel beton, profile din otel, sarma, produse din sarma, materiale neferoase, materiale pentru instalatii, instalatii sanitare, instalatii termice, instalatii electrice, materiale pentru constructii, lemn, produse din lemn, ciment, var, ipsos, termoizolatii, hidroizolatii, ...
advertising, publicuty, marketing, emarketing, e-marketing, telemarketing, marketing direct, publicitate, flyere, web, webdesign, web design, design, design studio, creatie, inovatie, dinamic, publicitate, buzau, bucuresti, RGB, advertising, Cristian Bucur, Liviu Toader |
advertising, publicuty, marketing, emarketing, e-marketing, telemarketing, marketing direct, publicitate, flyere, web, webdesign, web design, design, design studio, creatie, inovatie, dinamic, publicitate, buzau, bucuresti, ...
Comelf - producator de echipamente pentru protectia mediului |
Comelf, Electrofiltre, Electrostatic Precipitators, Filtre cu saci, Bag Filters, Protectia mediului, Environmental Protection, Utilaj terasier, Earth Moving Machinery, Constructii metalice sudate, Welded Metallic Constructions, Epurare ape uzate, Waste Water Treatment, Desprafuire gaze, Gases Dedusting, Rezervoare, Tanks, Macara auto, Auto Crane, ...
Robcon TM SRL is a business located in Timisoara, Romania. We sell coating, welding, heating technology, but also trucks and other heavy equipment. We can represent your business in Romania. |
welding, coating, systems, robots, roboti, industrie, sudura, vopsire, industry, equipment, technology, heating, robcon, romania, Romania, engineering, consulting, cloos, wagner, kamaz, ...
Comitetul Central Post Production Studio: video editing, special effects, digital post-production for commercials and film - Bucharest, Romania. |
Comitetul Central, Post-Production Studio, Bucharest Romania, Bucuresti, video editing, special effects, compositing, FX, 3d integration, motion graphics, digital post-production, commercial, film
COMPACT 95 - echipamente antiincendiu echipamente incendiu stingatoare incendiu hidranti substanta ignifugare echipamente protectie spumanti proteinici spumanti fluoroproteinici spumanti afff furtune psi accesorii psi sisteme antiincendiu consultanta specialitate. |
COMPACT 95, echipamente antiincendiu, echipamente incendiu, stingatoare incendiu, hidranti, substanta ignifugare, echipamente protectie, spumanti proteinici, spumanti fluoroproteinici, spumanti afff, furtune psi, accesorii psi, sisteme antiincendiu, consultanta specialitate., , ...
Oferta COMPUSOFT de echipamente pentru coduri de bare (cititoare de coduri de bare, imprimante termice, terminale fixe si portabile, cititor de cartele), carduri magnetice, cartele cu coduri de bare, etichete autoadezive, riboane termice, aplicatii pentru prezenta si pontaj, management depozite, tiparire etichete |
coduri de bare, cod producator, cititor cartele, cititoare de coduri de bare, imprimante termice Citizen, imprimante carduri, terminale portabile, prezenta si pontaj, etichete textile, tiparire etichete, carduri magnetice, cartele cu coduri de bare, riboane termice, terminal fix, terminal radio, management depozite, cod de producator, ARPC, senzori de proximitate, magnetic card reader, ...
Comtec, comtec 2000, echipamente, electrice, telecomunicatii, blocuri masura protectie, intrerupatoare automate, monopolare, bipolare, tripolare, tetrapolare, diferentiale, combinate, accesorii electrice, dispozitive de protectie supratensiune, intrerupatoare automate industriale, aparataj de comanda si protectie, contactoare, aparataj protectia motoarelor, socluri, ...
