AGGRESSIVE Software is a professional software development, web and graphics design company. AGGRESSIVE Software members are highly qualified and skilled in desktop apps, webdesign, graphics works, database and almost any kind of software developement. |
aggressive software application development web graphics design 3d consulting integration solutions innovation
A.G.Group SRL - ajutorul tau in atelier |
VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
customer parking, SSL certificates, intelligent infrastructure services, internet security, network security, internet merchant accounts, credit card processing, ecommerce solution, dns, telecommunications, digital brand management, ssl
Agora Consulting - Solutii management & Resurse umane |
consulting, business, PR, HR, agora, training, audit, strategie, chestionare, teste, negociere, dezvoltare, manipulare, negociere, team-building, antrenarea, echipa, tehnici, performante, vanzare, ...
Endava . Professional IT Services organisation operating across Europe, specialized in the delivery and operation of IT based Business Solutions and Secure Messaging Systems for Financial Services, Telecoms, Media and Technology |
Java, .Net, Microsoft, Nearshore, Offshore, Managed Services, Technical Support, Software, Development, Testing, Consultancy, Linux, Windows, Requirements, Architecture, Financial Services, Telecoms, Media, IT Services, IT Business Solutions, ...
nearshore software development, outsourcing, offshore, Wittmann&Partner, Sibiu, Romania, .net, Java, PowerBuilder, Lotus Notes, web, ecommerce
Outsourcing web, Outsourcing php mysql, Outsourcing, Romania, Software, offshore development, Online Appointments, Online Schedule, Online Scheduling, Online Inventory, programari online, asigurari online, program brokeri asigurari, Programming House Outsource Projects, appointment management, B2B, B2C, back-office, business intelligence, calendar, campaign design, contact, contact management, control, corporate, CRM, CRM software, customer, customer management, customer relationship management ... |
Outsourcing, Romania, Software, offshore development, Programming House Outsource Projects, appointment management, B2B, B2C, back-office, business intelligence, calendar, campaign design, contact, contact management, control, corporate, CRM, CRM software, customer, customer management, ...
VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
customer parking, SSL certificates, intelligent infrastructure services, internet security, network security, internet merchant accounts, credit card processing, ecommerce solution, dns, telecommunications, digital brand management, ssl
Panasonic, boxe auto, car entertaiment, car navigation, Radio CD/MP3 Player, Alpine, Radio CD/MP3 Player, DLS, Classic, Classic/Sisteme 2/3 cai, Classic/Difuzoare coaxiale, Classic/Subwoofere, Classic/Amplificatoare, Reference, Reference/Sisteme 2 cai, Reference/Difuzoare coaxiale, Reference/Subwoofere, Reference/Amplificatoare, Ultimate, Ultimate/Sisteme 2 cai, Ultimate/Difuzoare coaxiale, Ultimate/Subwoofere, Ultimate/Amplificatoare, Pioneer, Boxe auto, Radio CD/MP3 Player, Car Navigation, Di ... |
Detectoare Radar Car Multimedia DVD TV Insonorizare Alarme Auto Promotii Senzori de parcare Car-kit Tuning Condensatori Navigatie GPS Home Audio Home Multimedia Car Audio Siguranta Circulatiei PDA Camere Foto Camere Video LCD TV ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping Catalog de produse, Difuzoare Auto, Mp3 Player Auto, Subwoofere Auto, Amplificatoare Auto, Sisteme Difuzoare Auto, MP3 AUTO, Difuzoare Masina, Difuzoare Bass, Difuzoare Usi, Difuzoare Spate, Boxe Auto, Boxe Masina, Mp3 Sony, ..., ...
Aceasta este pagina S.C. ALCAZ CONSULT SRL |
ALCAZ, IT, PC, retele, componente, solutii, consult, computers, computer, laptops, laptop, notebooks, notebook, shop, shopping, systems, sales, information, technology, brand, ...
