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Colegiul Tehnic, , Dimitrie Leonida" |
Dimitrie Leonida, BAC 2007, Serbare de craciun, regulament de ordine interioara, Leonida, Bucuresti, Liceul Leonida, Rezultate BAC, Examene de corigenta, obiective biblioteca, licee bucuresti, Oferta educationala, Basarabia, Colegii tehnice, Colegiu, Tehnic, Dimitrie, liceu, licee, Colegiu Tehnic, ...
liveBooks, portfolio, website, design, photography, photographer, professional, wedding, fashion, commercial, event, portrait, photojournalism, education, software, marketing, branding , ...
Revista celor mici - un manual pentru petrecerea timpului liber. Resurse educationale, jocuri, pagini online ale revistei, integrame. Revista Lumea Copiilor - For kids! |
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Showroom permanent de telescoape si lunete astronomice ORION si TAKAHASHI, Observatorul Astronomic al PNC - Bd. Tineretului Nr. 8-10, Sect. 4, Bucuresti, Romania
Scoala internationala Mark Twain are o traditie de 10 ani in educatia copiilor de la gradinita pana la liceu, folosind o programa bilingva, axata pe internationalism |
scoala, educatie, invatamant, particulara, privata, school, education, international, pyp, copii, gradinita, scoala, liceu, children, kids, highschool, kindergarten, ...
The MathWorks is the world‘s leading developer of technical computing software for engineers and scientists in industry, government, and education. |
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News, news, New, new, Technology, technology, Headlines, headlines, Nuke, nuke, PHP-Nuke, phpnuke, php-nuke, Geek, geek, Geeks, geeks, Hacker, hacker, Hackers, ...
The Association for bird and nature Protection Milvus Group is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, acting in the fields of education, research and advisory, in order to make Romania a better place for birds, wildlife and people. A few very enthusiastic young bird-watchers founded the Milvus in autumn 1991. Soon after this, we joined the romanian ornithological Society, becoming its branch in Tirgu Mures. Since the end of 2001 the association for bird and nature protection Milvus Grou ... |
