Totalnet Media Group este furnizor de servicii web si este localizata in Oradea, Romania. Totalnet Media Group are 5 ani experienta in domeniul servicii web. Echipa noastra dezvolta site-uri web profesionale, optimizare web, comert electronic. |
Finante si Banci cele mai importante stiri din business. Descopera cele mai eficiente instrumente de management financiar si strategic care asigura succesul afacerii tale. |
Productie firme si reclame luminoase din neon, Bucuresti, Constanta, Tulcea. Producem cruci de farmacii, tuburi cu gaze spectrale (tgs) simplu, dublu contur, cu iluminare directa, tub la vedere, halou cu fata de stiplex. Oferim garantie 2 ani si montaj gratuit in Constanta, Bucuresti, Tulcea, Brasov, Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj, Oradea |
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Fishington este un proiect de publishing online care inlocuieste blogul agentiei FRIENDS Advertising. Fishington Post. ro este o platforma deschisa de idei de marketing & comunicare, centrata pe cunoasterea consumatorului. Pentru ca adevarul marcilor e la consumator. |
FishingtonPost, marketing, marketing de criza, agentii de publicitate, publicitate buna, cum sa faci publicitate, idei de business, business creativ, creativitate, marketing creativ, comunicare, digital marketing, new marketing, return on investment, , ...
| Linking HR Services and Business Strategy |
ERP, SFA, WMS, BI, DWh, Business inteligence, IT outsourcing, Fortissimo Solutions Romainia, OLAP, XForce, aplication development, |
ERP, SFA, WMS, Sales Force Automation, Entreprise Resource Planing, accounting, manufacturing, BI, DWh, Business inteligence, IT outsourcing, Fortissimo Solutions Romainia, OLAP, XForce
WORLD FRANCHISE AWARDS 2011 - Excellence in Business |
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A short description of your company |
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