Evolve Networks: software provider; information technology, professional services, new product development, construction, engineering and maintenance; enterprise messenger, company toolbar, resource management; IT governance. |
instant, messenger, custom, multilingual, instant messenger, enterprise, enterprise messenger, messeging, midlet, middlet, midlets, middlets, java, midp, siemens, nokia, games, evolve, evolve networks, software, ...
Proiectare pentru: Constructii civile si industriale, Amenajari urbane, Drumuri si cai ferate, Retele edilitare, Studii geotehnice, Ridicari topografice, Expertize tehnice, consultanta in constructii |
Proiectare, proiectare in constructii, constructii, proiectare constructii, proiectare in constructii civile si industriale, cnstructii civile si industriale, amenajari urbane, drumuri, cai ferate, proiectare drumuri, retele edilitare, studii geotehnice, ridicari topografice, expertize tehnice, consultanta in constructii, diriginte santier, frisarom, frisarom engineering, proiectare frisarom, proiectare vile, ...
Affordable software engineering and web development outsourcing or subcontracting in Eastern Europe, with U.S- and Europe-based project management. Dragos Matei Engineering and A+ students of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest assist software publishers, IT consultants, web design companies, real estate companies, and any company looking to outsource or subcontract their Web, Windows, Linux, Palm OS, or Windows CE application development. |
subcontract, subcontracting, outsource, outsourcing, software engineering, web portals, application development, web development, Windows, Unix, Linux, Windows CE, Palm OS, , C, C++, Visual C++; Visual Basic, Rational Rose, KWRITE, VBA, ...
List of the most important objectives built by Hidroconstructia SA, Raul Mare Retezat Branch.
Lista celor mai importante obiective construite de Hidroconstructia S.A. Sucursala Raul Mare Retezat. |
hidrormr, hidroconstructia, rmr, raul mare retezat, retezat, gura apelor, constructii,
hidrotehnice, hidro, constructii civile, civile, sedii, sediu, poduri, pod, drum, drumuri, baraje, centrale,
centrala, ...
design, inginerie, engineering, autocad, autodesk, inventor, proiectare, cnc, edgecam, pathtrace, proiectare asistata, cursuri, atc, mecanica, sistem, integrat, bemet, plan de campagne, iso, iqnet, ...
Experienta in producerea de confectii din tesaturi si tricotaje cu accent pe organizare management, productie, planificare si control al productiei, logistica, calitate, engineering. |
consultanta tehnica textile, consultanta confectii, textile, tehnica, tricot, tricotaje, tesaturi, inginer confectii, inginer tricotaje, productie, produse textile, produse tricotate, confectii tesaturi, confectii textile, tricot, confectii tricotaje, manopera, intaritura, glat, tricouri, ...
icim, arad, constructii, montaj, constructii civile si industriale, constructii feroviare, constructii rutiere, instalatii termice si sanitare, instalatii gaze naturale, automatizari, ventilatii, climatizari, canalizari, transporturi, preparari betoane si mortare, preparare mixturi asfaltice, produse de cariera si balastiera,
tamplarie de lemn si aluminiu, construction, engineering, ...
Romania, consulenza industriale, project management, mediazione internazionale, organizzazione aziendale, tecnologie di lavorazione, localizzazione satellitare, prototipazione rapida, applicazioni software |
Romania, consulenza industriale, project management, mediazione internazionale, organizzazione aziendale, tecnologie di lavorazione, localizzazione satellitare, prototipazione rapida, applicazioni software, Edilizia industriale, satelliti, sicurezza, Brokerage, International Brokerage, Company Organization, Process engineering, Satellite Services, Buildings, security, satellite localization, ...
Crew manning company, major European Oil & Gas Recruitment Agency, providing skilled Romanian Engineers, Technicians, Foremen & Craftsmen in Refinery, Petrochemical, Power & Engineering areas. We cover both onshore and offshore employment opportunities. |
manpower recruitment agency, hire specialists, petrochemical engineers, hire oil gas specialists, crew manning, maritime personnel, rotary international, employ romanian personnel, manpower leasing system, recruitment counseling services, offshore positions, drilling rig production, oil and gas job site, job vacancies database, europe job search engine, onshore jobs, ...
National Institute for Building Research. Largest seismic network of Romania, professional tests & measurements, national building codes, technical agrements & consultancy |
building, research, institute, Romania, earthquake engineering, structural engineering, seismic, seismic hazard, seismic risk, seismic safety, seismic vulnerability, civil engineering, concrete technology, construction materials, building structures, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, steel structures, wood structures, masonry, ...
