Ericsson is the leading provider in the new telecoms world, with communications solutions that combine telecom and datacom technologies with the freedom of mobility for the user. With more than 100, 000 employees in 140 countries, Ericsson simplifies communications for its customers - network operators, service providers, enterprises and consumers - the world over. |
telecommunications equipment suppliers telecom mobile cellular systems radio messaging GSM PDC AMPS D-AMPS TDMA DECT PCS personal communications PCN access telephones terminals modems ISDN cordless datacom public networks networking transport enterprise cable fiber data PBX PABX packet switching frame relay IP Internet ATM engineering management microwave transmission components services business consulting energy defense radar routers switches Ericcson Erikson Eriksson Ericson Erickson WCDMA CD ...
Meganet was a romanian ISP that developed an entertainment oriented web site and to offer internet related services: internet access, web hosting, web page design, html, dhtml, cgi, java programming... |
romania internet web page design hosting gazduire romanian limba romana pagini web html romanesc internet auto automobile sport motor autos design online reclama publicitate advertise java script meganet automobilia jobs munca vinzari vinzare cumparare dhtml java design web home page design corporate identity logo Bucuresti Bucharest
software, gestics, receptics, restics, contabilitate, programe informatice, hotel, restaurant, hoteluri, restaurante, gestiune, mijloace fixe, salarizare, gestiune, stocuri, vanzari, bugetari, retetare, facturare, avizat fiscal, ...
arpu, bulk sms, m2m, machine to machine, mcommerce, mobile applications, mobile billing, mobile business, mobile commerce, mobile content, mobile convergence, mobile entertainment, mobile gaming, mobile industry report, mobile internet, mobile marketing, mobile messaging, mobile music, mobile news, mobile payments, ...
NetVisionSoft - romanian software company |
enterprise performance planning, enterprise planning, performance planning, planning, financial planning, enterprise financial application, performance analysis, enterprise planning software, software, salarii, contabilitate, programe
Molex manufactures electronic, electrical and fiber
optic connection systems, ribbon cable, switches and application tooling. Over 100, 000
passive component interconnect products and extensive custom design are offered worldwide.
Industries served include automotive, computer, business equipment, home entertainment,
home appliance, medical electronics and telecommunications. |
Molex Connectors Interconnects electronic passive
components, amp, volt, current, interconnections, pitch, Header, Plug, Receptacle, Switch,
Fiber Optic, Socket, PCMCIA, Cable, SIMM, DIMM, PLCC, D-sub, mod jacks, plugs, ...
Next Point Consulting - Consultanta in management, marketing, vanzari si resurse umane. Excelenta in selectia si implementarea solutiilor informatice de gestiune si administrare integrata a firmei - Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs). |
afaceri, afacerilor, analiza, angajator, audit, auditarea, CAEN, civil, civila, clasificare, comercial, comerciala, comerciale, consultant, consultanta, cont, contract, cursuri, departament, departamentul, ...
Petrecerea ta: nunta, botez, eveniment de companie, aniversare. |
nunti, mireasa, mire, luna de miere, party, petreceri, evenimente, cocktail, dineu, team building, decoratiuni, invitatii, organizare, entertainment, animatori, copii, petrecere de craciun, , ...
Nunta BLU are ca domeniu de activitate organizarea de nunti, botezuri, evenimente pentru firme, petreceri, majorate |
nunti, nunta, organizare, weddings, party, invitatii, petreceri, evenimente, entertainment, clowni, burlaci, streap-tease, luna de miere, cocktail, dineu, mireasa, mire, decoratiuni, invitatii, organizare, ...
