afaceri, business, Biz, Romania, BizCity, bizcity, businesses, business, Biz, Romania, BizCity, bizcity.ro, BizConstructor, sitebuilder, Biz magazine, business, news, news, information, info, ...
bvl.ro, web page designer, web applications, software applications, catalogs |
web page designer, bvl.ro, designer, aplicatii web, web, aplicatii soft, proiectare soft, BVL Software, web site, Lotus, Notes, Domino, jocuri, puzzle, Electro-BVL, cataloage, seminte, ITCSMS, INCS, Alba Iulia, ...
Concept Electronics is a leading Romanian provider of technology and know-how that develops and implements advanced solutions in the fields of resource provisioning, operational security and compliance management for the IT&C infrastructures, as well as professional services and consulting. |
concept electronics, information security, IT security, infrastructure management, data protection, data management, technology, value added services, technical expertise, consulting services, disaster recovery, IT standard compliances, storage, networking, cryptography, identity management, infrastructure and system management, enterprise resource management, storage consolidation, information lifecycle management, ...
surveillance application software for symbian phones and java tree control |
alarm, clock, multi-alarm, schedule, time, argus, nokia, software, surveillance, java, tree
Commecial Bank of Greece, Emporiki Bank, Emporiki, Emporichi, Banca Comerciala a Greciei, Greci, credite cumparare locuinte, credite achizitionare terenuri, terenuri, credite constructii locuinte, credite finalizare constructii, credite reamenajare, Grecia, banca, Grecia, Romania, bank, Banking, Internet Banking, lower commissions, ...
CET-Central European Translations provides top quality translation services in specialised fields (technical, legal, financial, banking, economic, advertising, medical, IT) |
translations, interpreting services, interpretation, traduceri, interpretariat, traducator, traducere, traduction, traduzioni, traduccion, übersetzungen, dolmetschen, dolmetscher, traducciones, traductor, traductora, traducteur, traductrice, interprete, interpretacion, ...
Chadbourne & Parke LLP is a full service law firm specializing in all aspects of corporate, commercial, financial, bankruptcy, tax, insurance, litigation and intellectual property matters. |
Chadbourne & Parke LLP is a full service law firm specializing in all aspects of corporate, commercial, financial, bankruptcy, tax, insurance, litigation and intellectual property matters. |
