Riana United is a company offering consulting and assistance services for the luxury industry on regional markets in Romania. |
Luxury, Luxury Industry, Strategic Planning, Contract Negotiations, Sales Training, Negotiation, Closing techniques, Customer Relationship Management, Advertising, Brand Development, Public Relations, Licensing, Franchising
tax planning, offshore and more news |
asia, doing business, hong kong, offshore, olanda, 2012, anaf, rambursare, rambursare tva, tva, eu, europa, rata tva, tva incasare, isarescu, evaziune fiscala, antreprenori, manageri, antreprenoriat, evaziune fiscala, ...
Adaptive Planning Romania Rokapo Aplicatie Software Bugetare Planificare Previziune Modelare Analiza Financiara Consolidare Raportare Financiara Planificare Bugetare Management Excel ERP BI KPI |
IT support, network support, IT solutions, IT solutions, IT consulting |
IT support, network support, IT solutions, IT solutions, IT consulting, IT help, Enterprise server, Computer support, Computer service, Small Business Server, Microsoft
Consultanta, fonduri europene, PM, solutii IT&C, proiecte complexe, monitorizare, studii de fezabilitate, Analiza de business si de sistem, caiete de sarcini, proiecte militare, Evaluare infrastructura, portaluri, aplicatii web, aplicatii dedicate, aplicatii specifice |
software development, software development romania, software, software design, design and development, e-business, e-commerce, outsourcing, custom software, ERP, Oracle Applications, Oracle, enterprise resource planning, ebusiness, ecommerce, web, Internet, ...
