123 Rent a Car Romania : Fully inclusive car hire for locations in Romania. Company details and online booking. Prices and quote request form. Information on the fleet, rental charges and conditions. FAQ and booking facilities. |
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Ada Kindergarten Bucuresti - societate pentru educarea si supravegherea copiilor avizata de Ministerul Invatamantului are ca obiect de activitate educarea copiilor indiferent de varste, cuprinse intre 2 si 7 ani. |
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Located in downtown Timisoara, Hotel Timisoara *** has an excellent reputation for friendly service and the right facilities to meet your business travel needs. Online reservation for a perfect accommodation in Timisoara |
Bucharest Distribution Park este un complex logistic, industrial si de distributie cu depozite modulare clasa A, construite la standarde internationale.
Ofera facilitati pentru transportul rutier si calea ferata precum si spatii modulare pentru birouri.
Bucharest Distribution Park is a logistic, industrial and distribution park with A class modular warehouses, built at international standards.
It offers railroad and road transportation facilities as well as modular spaces for offices. |
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Asociatia Confidens ofera servicii de training personalizate nevoilor firmelor, având ca obiective: cresterea vânzarilor cresterea productivitatii la nivel individual si în companie eficientizarea comunicarii între membrii echipelor de lucru dezvoltarea abilitatilor de conducere a angajatilor. Motivele infiintarii cabinetului psihiatric si psihoterapeutic Confidens: oferirea unor servicii in care profesionalismul este pe primul plan prin selectarea atenta a celor mai buni medici. |
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Official site of Dasein - office of architecture and sustainable urban development
architecture and planning / Engineering / Project development / Building license / Construction regulations / Urban layouts / Landscape layouts / Planning surpervision / Health regulations, welfare / Design & management / Relocation and refurbishment planning / Interior design / Construction management / Consulting and planning /Development and construction management for real estate, public facilities and production plants / Construction project management, Development management, Prop ...
Eurisko Consulting - sales and leasing of residential properties, office premises, retail and industrial properties, sales of lands and consulting in land facilities |
STIL Hotel-the newest 4 stars hotel brand in Bucharest, ideally located 5 min away from downtown and only 10 min away from Airport, offers 28 rooms: singles, doubles & suites elegant & stylish at competitive rates and a meeting room up to 10 persons. Whether you are looking for a corporate business hotel or an intimate leisure hotel, Stil Hotel is the choice for you. For reservations check our Best Available Rates for a pleasant & comfortable stay! We are offering affordable rates which can be n ... |
Stil, Hotel, Restaurant, Reservations, Best Available Rate, Bucharest, Romania, Accommodation, Room, Travel, Business, Centre, Holiday, Lunch, Dinner, Exquisite, Catering, Event, Cheap, Service, ...
Located in downtown Timisoara, Hotel Timisoara *** has an excellent reputation for friendly service and the right facilities to meet your business travel needs. Online reservation for a perfect accommodation in Timisoara |
Apartments, rooms, hall, bathroom, balcony, roof, ceramic tiles, painting, studios, property, terrace, kitchen, parquet, flooring, semi-basement, basement, mountain, park, sky, wood, ...
