Agentie de impresariat si management artistic. |
agentie, impresariat, impresar, concerte, concert, muzica, music, dans, artist, artisti, calitate, rafinament, promptitudine, seriozitate, Bucuresti, impresariat artistic, servicii artistice, evenimente mondene, organizare evenimente, atmosfera placuta, ...
Mambo - the dynamic portal engine and content management system |
pensiuni agroturistice, rasnov, sapard, ispa, finantari nerambursabile, silvicultura, sala de conferinte, consultanta sapard, evenimente, prezentari moda, cazare brasov, business, pensiune, centre de profit, turism de afaceri, cursuri informatica, ferme de animale, cununii, pastravarii, cazare, ...
Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system |
Exprom Iasi ofera servicii de contabilitate si consulatanta fiscala, management financiar, expertize contabile, audit si evaluare. |
●, management si organizare de eveniment, organizari evenimente, petreceri, serbari, nunti, aniversari, sarbatori, carnaval, seminare, conventii, întalniri, negocieri, lobby, work-group, lansari produse, bannere, legitimatii, pliante, congrese, ...
CORAL CONSTRUCT - Facility management |
CORAL CONSTRUCT - Facility management
Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system |
Agentie specializata in servicii de design si dezvoltare web |
agentie, creatie, web, print, design, identitate de companie, multimedia, content management, promovare, online, website, web design, afis, brosura, coperta CD, pliant, corporate identity, logo, dezvoltare, creatie web, ...
Our aim is to help our clients promote their products and services and increase their profitability through effective and powerful live communication. In order to achieve this, we provide unique solutions that go straight to the heart of our audience. |
Event management, Funky Business, Eveniment/Evenimente, Event planning, organizari conferinte, BTL, Events, Branding, Event management, Funky Business, Eveniment/Evenimente, Event planning, organizari conferinte, BTL, Events, Branding, Launches, Conferences, Local and International Exhibitions, Roadshows, ...