Portofoliu, Simona Gabriela Buzatu.
Grafica publicitara, video, print si web design.
artvisiona.com. represents the online folio of Simona Gabriela Buzatu. Graphic design, video, print and web.
photoshop, screen, advertising, tv, graphic, packages, artwork, national, tv, favorit, n24, grafica, televiziune, grafician, generice, creative, director, art, director, ona21, ...
BUYART.ro present the artwork and biography of major modern and contemporary visual artists: paintings, easel graphics, engraving, sculptures, religious art. |
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Carmen Art - Music and plastic art gallery |
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Site-ul galeriei de arta ChirsArt & Antiques |
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Bogdan Cioc - Photographer |
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Handmade to Hi-Tech, Art, Crafts and Inventions.
Costumes, Jewelry, Baskets, Candles, Supplies and more... Creative Works From Creative Minds. Remember... My Creations are My Creation! |
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Constantin Brancusi lost works discovered, Successful efforts of romanian academic researchers uncovering numerous works of the great sculptor |
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This web site provides photographic tutorials, tips and tricks. There is also a fine art photography gallery, which is divided into the following sections: people; images of France; monuments; macro photography (images of nature); caves; and travel photography. |
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Galle, Stilart, Decorative Glassware, Galle Reproductions, Emille Galle, Art Glass, tip galle, glass, vases, lamps, Art Nouveau, vase, lamp, art dco, reproduction, art deco, glasses, nancy, emile gall, Daum Nancy, ...
