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BESTWARE, IT Solutions for your success - Adresa web
BESTWARE - Your BEST business partner in software services, IBM Advanced Business Partner, Synaptris Certified Partner, lotus notes, domino, document management, websphere, consultanta, project management, DB2 Content Manager, Adobe Live Cycle, consultanta, websphere portal, IT, key expert, romania, sistem de gestionare a documentelor, formulare electronice, integrare de sisteme

OBIECTIV, GIS, teledetectie, web design, restaurare - Adresa web
● GIS map maps web design cooperation cooperare european europeana europene proiecte projects project projects digital digitale digitala harta harti satellite satellites satelit sateliti satelitar satelitare remote sensing geo spatial teledetectie restaurare conservare restoration conservation geographic information system systems sistem sisteme informatic informatice geografic geografice imagine imagini images cultural heritage documentation patrimoniu cultural - Adresa web
Societatea noastra este înfiintata în anul 1994, având ca obiect de activitate desfacereaproduselor de birotica si papetarie. De atunci si pâna în prezent noi nu am schimbat obiectul de activitate, devenind un partener serios de afaceri pentru multe companii, prin satisfacerea nevoilor acestora de produse de birotica si papetarie.Ve-ti regasi în oferta noastra marci de renume în domeniu, precum BIC, LACO, KOH-I-NOOR, STAEDTLER, ROTRING, AERO, PELIKAN, nume ce garanteaza un standard ridicat al ca ...

Blue Project Software, Document Management Software, System utilities - Adresa web
Document Management Software, Electronic Document Processing and Workflow, System Utilities Tools, Software for you and your business

Untitled Document - Adresa web
BrandsOn Marketing este o agentie de BTL - domeniu aflat intr-o continua dezvoltare – care a reusit, intr-un timp scurt, sa se afirme pe piata de specialitate prin dinamica si tenacitatea caracteristica.

BRAT, Biroul Roman de Audit al Tirajelor - Adresa web
BRAT - Biroul Roman de Audit al Tirajelor - Adresa web
Portal bazat pe un motor de cautare complet si usor de folosit, dublat de un continut editorial bogat:stiri, revista presei, horoscop, documentare

OxXygen, Home - Adresa web

Imobiliare arad, advertising arad, webdesign arad: Cangurus Advertising || Cangurus Imobiliare || cangurus ... - Adresa web
Imobiliare arad, advertising arad, webdesign arad: Cangurus Advertising prezinta ultimele noutati in domeniul imobiliar. Real estate and advertising magazine, with latest news in real estate domain from Arad, Romania. Dintre clientii nostrii enumeram: Green IT System, Foto Studio Enigma, ARDAF Arad, ARY CAB Santana, Best Western Hotel Central, Metalcomp SRL, GDS Manufacturing, Rapid Consulting, Ro Emmpi, Contor Zenner, Iskraemeco Romania, CC Recording, Cargo MS, M&Flux, Handsome SRL, Discount Me ...

Carter Films, CARTER films - Adresa web
Carter Films is a Romanian company specialized in producing commercials, feature films, documentaries, docu-dramas, and music videos, but which also offers the complete range of post-production services.
● Carter Films is a Romanian company specialized in producing commercials, feature films, documentaries, docu-dramas, and music videos, but which also offers the complete range of post-production services.

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