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EurotaxGlass’s is the product of a merger between the two companies, Eurotax AG and Glass’s Information Services Limited, and has its headquarters near Zurich, Switzerland. We have a presence in 27 European countries and Australia, operating through 20 subsidiaries and eight distribution partners. |
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A multilateral company from Hunedoara county, Romania - furniture and real-estate. |
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Famito - mic mobilier - masuta multifunctionala - multifunctional table - small furniture |
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Producer of wooden toys and wooden children furniture. |
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Proiectare complexa, arhitectura, structura, instalatii sanitare, termice, electrice, design, amenajari interioare, studii de fezabilitate. |
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Abris de jardin, Chalet en madriers ou ossature bois, Gloriettes, Garages et carports, Saunas, Meuble de jardin, Piscines en bois, Meuble pour interieur... ! |
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Join the world's largest virtual hangout where you can meet and make friends. Design your own rooms, collect cool furniture, throw parties and so much more! Create your FREE Habbo today! |
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