Resurse globale privind toate aspectele din domeniile de gastroenterologie si hepatologie, |
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HOLDMANN Romania - Welcome to HOLDMANN |
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Cabinet si biblioteca virtuala de gastroenterologie care gazduieste diverse informatii, Centrul Medical Tuculanu, Centrul Medical Þuculanu sfaturi, consultatii, tratamente, regimuri, recomandate in bolile digestive (esofag, stomac, intestin subtire, colon ºi rect, ficat, colecist si cai biliare, pancreas). |
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| is the corporate web site of GlaxoSmithKline, a leading healthcare company that helps people to do more, feel better and live longer. Find out how GlaxoSmithKline improves health and quality of life. Discover more about GlaxoSmithKline's research and development, community partnerships and public health programmes. |
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