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Robcon TM SRL is a business located in Timisoara, Romania. We sell coating, welding, heating technology, but also trucks and other heavy equipment. We can represent your business in Romania. |
welding, coating, systems, robots, roboti, industrie, sudura, vopsire, industry, equipment, technology, heating, robcon, romania, Romania, engineering, consulting, cloos, wagner, kamaz, ...
Sublere, Micrometre, Micrometers, Gauges, Presure, Pumps, Thermostatic, Equipment,
Cale, Calipers, Analizoare, Analizoare de gaze, Manometre, Manometers, Proces, Process, Calibration, Calibratoare, Calibrators, Presiune, ...
ROMARC SA - romanian foreign trade company |
romanian, foreign, trade, industry, equipment, engineering, rolling, stock, railway, bogies, sleepers, freight, car, coaches, wagons, rails, cement, kilns, crusher, conveyor, ...
TAMPLARIE ALUMINIU-PVC, ROMCONSTRUCT AL GLASS GRUP, GEAM TERMOPAN, PERETI CORTINA, PLACARI ALUCOBOND, PLACARI, IASI, mobilier, hotel, birouri, magazin, locuinte, pereti cortina, accesorii tamplarie, aceesorii mobila, feronerie, aluminiu lemn, sticla, usi, Dural, ...
ROMEXPO – LIDERUL INDUSTRIEI DE TARGURI SI EXPOZITII DIN ROMANIA, Complexul Expozitional ROMEXPO, Parcurgeti un tur virtual al complexului nostru expozitional, aflati mai multe detalii despre spatiile de expunere, Informatii despre toate pavilioanele din cadrul complexului, imagini, planuri, tur virtual, posibilitatea rezervarii online a unei sali de conferinte. Manifestari expozitionale, Media si comunicare - Galerie foto |
Romexpo, romania, targ, targuri, expozitie, expozitii, romexpo, tib, tibco, construct, constructie, denta, agricol, agricultura, termic, romtherm, pharma, expo, glass, advertising, ...
Romgarden.ro - Industry of Wood . |
romgarden - profil tristratificat, montant, pervaz, toc, bailaizer, tablie, profile layered wood, oldier for door, moulding of fillet plane, lamellare tristratificato, montanti, mostrine, montante, pannelli
ROQUETTE is the world’s largest producer of polyols, sorbitol, maltitol, mannitol, xylitol. One of Europe’s most advanced suppliers of native and modified starches, sweeteners including maltodextrins for the food, pharmaceuticals cosmetics, biochemistry, paper, corrugated board and animal nutrition industries. |
polyols, maltitol, sorbitol, , xylitol, mannitol, hydrogenated glucose syrups, sugar free sweeteners, starch, industrial starches, modified starches, maltodextrins, dried glucose syrups, food and pharma ingredients, additives, , excipients, pregelatinised and extruded starches, cationic and anionic starches, thin boiling starches, ...
Firma Royal Glass va pune la dispozuitie o gama variata de parbrize auto, geamuri auto laminate, lunete auto, montaj geamuri auto, service auto, geamuri laterale de masina, garantie montaj geamuri auto, coltare auto, ugurlu glass, cheder |
Import and trading company of tungsten carbide inserts and tools, accessories and spare parts for metalworking, woodworking, stoneworking, as well as other hard metal products, wear parts - Societate de import si comert cu placute si scule din carburi metalice sinterizate, accesorii si componente, precum si alte produse din metale dure, piese de uzura |
tungsten carbide, tungsten carbide cutting tools, indexable cutting inserts, hardmetals, Hartmetall, HM, Cemented carbide, carbides, cemented carbide indexable cutting inserts and accessories, cermet, technical ceramics, ceramics, silicon nitride, metalworking, woodworking, plasticsworking, stoneworking, hard materials, accessories, spare parts, ...