Group of Independent Experts ROMANIA. GIE FOLOS consultants are offering technical assistance related to the environment: Management of the urban and industrial waste, Impact evaluation, Risk evaluation (SEVESO), Pollution monitoring (water, air, soil, waste, noise, transport), Environmental Audit (EMAS), Introduction of the environmental management systems in enterprises (ISO 14001), Market sectorial analysis, Training |
djbezna - specializing in graphic design for traditional print and online media. |
Pagina de prezentare a echipei GlobalTech. web design, productie si analiza software, identitate de companie |
web design, graphic design, global tech, identitate companie, servicii web, SEO, realizare pagini web, software design, design, corporate id, design interactiv, productie software
Grapefruit creează şi sprijină branduri corporatiste şi de produs ale clienţilor din întreaga lume. |
grapefruit, brand matters, brand, branding, rebranding, brand management, brand strategy, design, identity, brand identity, corporate identity, verbal identity, naming, brand naming, brand audit, web design, interactive design, print design, packaging design, ...
Grapefruit creează şi sprijină branduri corporatiste şi de produs ale clienţilor din întreaga lume. |
grapefruit, brand matters, brand, branding, rebranding, brand management, brand strategy, design, identity, brand identity, corporate identity, verbal identity, naming, brand naming, brand audit, web design, interactive design, print design, packaging design, ...
Master Graphic Media este o companie specializata in productia publicitara indoor si outdoor.Oferim solutii publicitare complexe: servicii tipografice de inalta calitate, servicii de finisare a materialului tiparit, proiecte speciale si aplicatii volumetrice din polistiren (creatie si productie). |
digital, imprimare, afise, bannere, panouri, caserare, carti de vizita, ambalaje, display sau display-uri, tiparire, standuri, ambalaje, hangere, display, panouri, promotionale, casete luminoase, expozitii, ...
editura tipografie, Brasov, Romania. tiparituri: carti, brosuri, cataloage, pliante, fluturasi, ilustrate, calendare etc |
editura, tipografie, brosuri, carti, cataloage, calendare, fluturasi, ilustrate, pliante, graphica, print, dtp, tehnoredactare, brasov, prepress, ...
Graphical media, is a leader in Macromedia Flash and Website design. Our services include web site development, design, multimedia, 3D, animation and corporate identity. |
Macromedia Flash, best flash design, web design, website, flash, design studio, html design, development, php, , jsp, media, applications, virtual reality, 3D, animation, graphics, xml, web, development, ...
editura tipografie, Brasov, Romania. tiparituri: carti, brosuri, cataloage, pliante, fluturasi, ilustrate, calendare etc |
editura, tipografie, brosuri, carti, cataloage, calendare, fluturasi, ilustrate, pliante, graphica, print, dtp, tehnoredactare, brasov, prepress, ...
Graphis, Productie publicitara, conceptie grafica, casete luminoase, semne luminoase, banner, polyplan, stiplex, volumetrie, confectii metalice, cutter plotter, printer, serigrafie, standuri expozitionale, pos, posm, stand, stiplex, materiale publicitare, logo, ...
