Open Text (Nasdaq: OTEX) (TSX: OTC) is the market leader in providing Collaboration, Enterprise Content Management software solutions. Livelink, is an integrated compliant software solution for the global enterprise. |
enterprise content management, archiving, business process, digital asset, document management, collaboration, email management, document processing, web content, compliance, governance, ecm integration, content services
Jasione is a small, dynamic company, specializing in creating original websites,
e-commerce applications, and on-line databases. We are passionate about Web and love to talk or write about it. Jasione is a team of highly accomplished and experienced Internet professionals with great ideas, great creative skills and great technology. We combine these skills to offer a team capable of delivering best Internet solutions. |
Jasione, site, marketing, website design, web site design, optimize, design, creative, innovative, romanian, agency, webdesign, webdesign romania
iTranslator - translation, romanian translator, traducere, romanian translator, technical translation, software localization, traduceri tehnice, translation, localizare, localization, machine translation, localisation, translate, English to Romanian |
iTranslator - translation, romanian translator, traducere, romanian translator, technical translation, software localization, traduceri tehnice, translation, localizare, localization, machine translation, localisation, translate, English to Romanian, documentation translations, Web site Localization, translation and localization, Intelligent Business Solutions, highest quality,, ...
| - joburi, locuri de munca in Romania, joburi in romania, locuri de munca strainatate, CV-uri, resurse umane, Cv confidential, private cv |
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| Website de recrutare, selectie si palsare de personal |
Job, Joburi Iasi, Joburi, Iasi, recrutare, recrutare si selectie, administarre de personal, head-hunting, selectie de personal, evaluare, evaluare de personal, evaluare psihologica, evaluare profesionala, human resourses, selection of personell, recruitment, , ...
XPERTWEBSOFT provides a full package of services: software developing, web developing, outsourcing. Our mission is to develop excellent product and to provide all necessary service to support it. |
outsourcing, outsourcing software, IT outsourcing, software outsource, outsourcing software, software, development, software developing, custom, software, custom programming, programming, outsourcing services software, outsourcing services, custom software programming, software services, IT solutions, free consultancy, free quote, application, ...
it jobs and recruitment, selection, training |
it jobs, recruitment, Iasi, Romania, it specialists, online tests, training, software specialists, locuri de
munca iasi, programatori iasi, software engineer jobs, software developer jobs, job portal, portal locuri de munca, consultanta, certificari, ...
HCM, Technical recruitment agency services, human resource job search, engineering head hunter company. |
HCM, human capital management, recruit, recruiter, headhunter, outsource, outsourcing, headhunting, career, job, job search, job placement, employment agencies, programmer, quantitative, analytics, personnel, emplois, recherche emplois, offre demploi, ...
Extreme Solutions is a software company based in Romania focused on building web-services. |