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Drug and alcohol rehabilitation resources, offered for free to all website visitors. Learn more about alcohol and drug rehab here. |
With more than 40 million people, Romania and the ex Soviet Union block, today called New Europe, represent an opportunity, a new challenge, a new market to explore.
Resource 2b helps foreign companies that want to invest in Est Europe, especially in Romania. Our high skilled team builds with the client the best strategy to succeed in this markets. |
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Revo ABS - Solutii, Servicii pentru Vanzari, Marketing, Relatii si Suport Clienti, Resurse Umane si Management activitati si Proiecte |
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Rosia Montana Environmental Partnership, Un parteneriat de mediu sustinut de RMEP - Site-ul oficial al Punctului de Informare despre proiectul minier dezvoltat in Rosia Montana de compania miniera Rosia Montana Gold Corporation impreuna cu Gabriel Resources |
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Rosia Montana este o comuna din Muntii Apuseni care si-a luat numele de la culoarea apelor curgatoare poluate de activitatile miniere milenare. Proiectul Gabriel, finantat integral de compania canadiana, propune o exploatare miniera la scara mare. Si propune reala salvare a Rosiei Montane pe langa argumente financiare si de responsabilitate sociala. Subiectul este unul controversat, iar cel mai frecvente argumente sunt legate de economie si mediu. |
News and information regarding Roma women's rights. Profiles of successful Roma women from Romania. |
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Official webpage of the Save Rosia Montana Campaign, Alburnus Maior Association. Pagina oficiala a Campaniei Salvati Rosia Montana, Asociatia Alburnus Maior. |
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ROSS Consultants provides three distinct types of services: consulting, training and recruitment within five fields of expertise: organisational development, financial management, sales management, human resources management and information management |
