Translation Services From And To Romanian |
ASCO, ASCO International, romanian translator, romanian translation, translation services, translator, translation, translate, translation, interpreter, interpretation, Romanian, Rumanian, Roumain, copyediting, copy editing, copy-editing, copy editor, copy-editor, proofreading, ...
KFnet- ghid internet, informatii pentru locuitorii judetului Ialomita si pentru cei ce vor sa afle despre el.Stiri, imagini, afaceri si tot ceea ce ai nevoie. |
anunturi, harta, harta ialomitei, harta judetului Ialomita, map, ialomita county map, chat, email, kfnet, ialomita, judet, judete, county, romanian counties, romania, Slobozia, stiri, sms, news, meteo, ...
AUDIO-VIDEO magazine, lumea ta de sunet si imagine. Revista de specialitate ce acopera luna de luna o paleta larga de produse audio, hi-fi, video, dvd, digital camera, digital tv, home cinema, movie, music etc. |
AUDIO-VIDEO, revista, magazine, audio-video, audio, video, stiri, articole, dvd, hi-fi, plasma, sound, lcd, homecinema, tv, music, camera, camcorder, ...
Rosistem este un actor important al pietei romanesti de management al informatiei specializat in identificare automata, RFID, coduri de bare si tehnologii biometrice. |
Barcode, Image, Generator, Application, generation, creator, files, images, imaging, JPEG, TIFF, WMF, barcode generator, Warehouse, Check In / Check Out, Fingerprint, Biometrics, Recognition, barcode printer scanner symbol metrologic zebra eltron intermec datamax sato bixolon barcode scanners printers printheads labels ribbons, ...
, design, webdesign, web design, banner, promotional, personalizare, pagini web, informatie, creation, art, arta, siteuri, banners, bannere, advertising, media, online, information, website, ...
Online sales and auction management. Vendio provides Smart Services to Smart Sellers (TM). Vendio enables businesses of all size to leverage the distribution potential of the Internet. Through its suite of sales management services and full-service asset remarketing solutions, Vendio helps businesses efficiently promote, sell, and distribute their products online by automating and managing every element of the online sales process. Services offered include inventory management, online store cre ... |
auction, auctions, online auction, action, auctioneer, auctioneers, auction company, auction portal, auction site, auction image hosting, auction counters, auction manager, auction management, AW, image hosting, online selling, small business, SMB, small businesses services, customer relationship management, ...
Autoinformeaza-te! Noutati, informatii utile, domenii auto, marci auto - versiuni, preturi, dotari standard si optionale, date tehnice, galerie foto. Actualizat zilnic! |
auto, cars, prices, technical details, auto options, performance engine, interior features, photo gallery, wallpaper, hi res, images
Portal video specializat de autovehicule si utilaje pentru constructii care reuneste cei mai importanti distribuitori de autovehicule, utilaje, scule de mana, piese de schimb, consumabile precum si societati de finantare, asigurari, firme de inchirieri si second-hand autovehicule si utilaje pentru constructii.. |
utilaje, autovehicule, revista, auti, video, galerie, constructii, autocamioane, autoutilitare, buldozere, buldoexcavatoare, excavatoare, incarcatoare, autobetoniere, gradere, motostivuitoare, concasoare, basculante, macarale, scule de mana, ...
Axis provides IP-based network video solutions that include network cameras and video encoders for remote monitoring and security surveillance, in addition to print servers for document management. |
network camera, ip camera, video server, video encoder, surveillance, security, cctv, ptz, megapixel, image quality, mpeg-4, motion jpeg, print
