Carter Films is a Romanian company specialized in producing commercials, feature films, documentaries, docu-dramas, and music videos, but which also offers the complete range of post-production services. |
Cunescu, Balaciu & Asociatii, Constantin Cunescu, Alina Anca Balaciu, Dinu Petre, Beatrice Onica Jarka si Monica Badescu, Alexandru Stanciu, Corina Dohot si Cristian Radu Mitescu, civil law, transfers of ownership, real estate law, construction law, business law, international trade law, company law, regulation of foreign investment in Romania, corporate governance matters, privatisation, reorganising and liquidation procedures, competition law, ...
home page for celox software company romania |
Proiectare, automatizari, programare, consultanta IT. |
desing, publicitate, publicity, software, programe, programare, programms, programming, electronics, electronica, automation, automatizari, it, informatica, utilaje, cariere, escavatoare, buldozere, vole, vola, ...
Executam chei brute la comanda, copiem chei pentru yale, deschideri masini, apartamente, deschideri usi, reparam chei cu telecomanda si transponder, chei originale. Livkey Company |
Chei brute, Deschideri auto, Deblocari contacte, masini de copiat chei, yale, deschideri masini, key brute, deschideri usi, unlock door, codari cipuri, chei la comanda, chei oricinale, chei, key
Manufacturer and supplier of steel fibers for concrete reinforcement; flat, undulated and hook fibers; cylindrical cut wire steel; spherical conditioned cut wire steel for shot peening; steel wool; chopped steel wool; ecological steel shot for hunting. |
Ghidul on-line al firmelor de constructii din Romania.Toate firmele din domeniul constructiilor structurate pe domenii de activitate |
romania, Constructii, construction, engineering, database, company Proiectare, arhitectura, Amenajari, Materiale, Tamplarie, PVC, Aluminiu, Utilaje, Dispozitive, Instaltii, Vopsele, Izolatii, Energie Electrica, Hidro-izolatii, Comert, ...
Agentie de Publicitate // Big Outdoor Sells |
Bucuresti, Romania, publicitate, agentie de publicitate, printuri, print, print-uri, advertising, copywriter, client, brand, reclame, reclama, promovare, manager, media, campanie, industria de publicitate, Big Outdoor Sells, slogan, ...
InterClassics Design Ltd. collection contents the most known furniture of -The Great Masters- like Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Eileen Gray, Marcel Breuer, Charles & Ray Eames, Gerrit Th. Rietveld, Ch. Rennie Mackintosh, Mart Stam, etc. |
interclassics, irish, company, the bauhaus, design, furniture, shop, offers furniture, from, designer, like, le corbusier, charles edouard jenneret, ludwig mies van der rohe, eileen gray, marcel breuer, charles & ray eames, gerrit th. rietveld, ch. rennie mackintosh, mart stam, ...
