Cuvinte cautate: Industrial applications


Welcome to Atlas Copco in Romania - Adresa web
A world leader in compressors, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools, assembly systems and equipment rental.

BARENTZ, Materii prime pentru industria alimentara, farmaceutica si cosmetica - Adresa web
Materii prime pentru industria alimentara, farmaceutica si cosmetica

BlueSys - Adresa web
Electronic design, Software design, Complete solutions, Industrial applications, Prototype, Controller software, PC software, NAFEM Data Protocol Compliant, Gateway, Online kitchen, Process Automation Control

Home - Adresa web
Firma mica cu o bogata experienta in dezvoltarea de sisteme de monitorizare si control pentru statii de reglare/masurare gaze local si de la dispecerat, sisteme de urmarire GPS GPRS, harta dispecerat, bancuri de verificare/etalonare contori de gaz si energie electrica, sisteme de afisare cu LED-uri pentru interior si exterior, monocrome si full color, custom design, prototipuri, aparatura electronica ultra low power cu microntrolere Texas Instruments, MSP430, Rabbit, Atmel, aplicatii la cerere p ...
● automatizare automation sisteme control electronica electronics custom design aplicatii applications programare programming software hardware microcontroler proiectare design dezvoltare develop implementare implement prototipuri prototype testare testing ultra-low-power afisare LED PDA GPS GPRS GSM dialup comunicatii monitorizare monitoring reglare masurare etalonare contoare contorizare gaze energie industrial dispecerat

Goodyear Dunlop Tires Romania SRL - Adresa web
Goodyear is the world's largest tire company. Together with its U.S. and international subsidiaries and joint ventures, Goodyear manufactures and markets tires for most applications. It also manufactures and sells several lines of power transmission belts, hose and other rubber products for the transportation industry and various industrial and consumer markets, as well as rubber-related chemicals for various applications.

Imperial Electric - Adresa web
IMPERIAL ELECTRIC SA - design and manufacturing of monitoring and control system, applications for testing, measurement, industrial automation, data acquisition products from National Instruments

Jungbunzlauer, Home - Adresa web
Jungbunzlauer is one of the world's leading producers of natural and nature-identical biodegradable ingredients. Jungbunzlauer specialises in citric acid, xanthan gum, gluconates, specialties, special salts and sweeteners for the food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry as well as for various other industrial applications.

Home, NEWS, Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG, - Adresa web
Panasonic Electric Works – Your partner for high-quality electronic and electromechanical components and automation solutions for industrial applications

Tenaris, Tubular Technologies. Innovative Services. - Adresa web
Tenaris is the leading global manufacturer and supplier of tubular products and services used in the drilling, completion and production of oil and gas and a leading supplier of tubular products and services used in process and power plants and in specialized industrial and automotive applications.

Grupul de firme SIS - Adresa web
SIS SA Romania, SIS Bucharest, system integrator, process control, security system, safety system, system engineering, industrial automation, trends in system engineering, system engineering outsourcing, industrial automation solutions, industrial automation systems, industrial automation equipment, real time application, real-time applications, monitoring system, software development, software research, local technical support, digital control system, Dynamic C, iconics, genesis, modbus, fieldb ...

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