Yacht Boats, constructor roman de yachturi, motorboat, ambarcatiuni cu vele si motor, reparati si intretinere ambarcatiuni, echipamentte si accesorii marine |
Yacht Boats, Romania, yachturi clasice din lemn de teak, mahon stejar in sistem cold molding&strip planking, reparatii restaurari intretinere ambarcatiuni cu vele si motor, distributie echipamente si accesorii marine
Matplast home site - Plastic injection molds - Thermoforming molds - Casting dies and die-casting moulds for non ferrous metals - Spare parts - Matrite de injectat mase plastice si metale neferoase - Matrite de termoformare - Piese de schimb - Muanyag froccsonto szerszamok es fuvoszerszamok - Szinesfem ontoformak - Hoformazo szerszamok - Cserealkatreszek |
Matplast, matplast, mold, mould, plastic, plastic injection, blow mold, blow mould, casting dies, casting die, die-casting, non-ferrous metals, spare parts, matrite, injectat, mase plastice, metale neferoase, termoformare, piese de schimb, froccsonto szerszam, ...
Electroplating, romanian manufacturer of metal machined parts, zinc plating, nickel plating, pcb assembly and wire harness. |
electroplating, chemical electroplating, electroplating nickel, copper electroplating, pcb assembly, pcb production, pcb fabrication, wire harness, zinc plating, zinc coating, nickel plating, metal machining, electrocoating, plastic injection, plastic injection molding, plastic injection mold, bridge rectifier, ...
ANRCTI anunta 5.8 milioane de romani conectati la internet bdquo Pia 355 a comunica 355 iilor din Rom acirc nia continu 259 s 259 se dezvolte icirc ntr un ritm alert 351 i constant, fapt dovedit de cre 351 terile icirc nregistrate 351 i icirc n 2007 pe toate segmentele acesteia. Num 259 rul total al conexiunilor care permit accesul la internet a ajuns aproape de 5, 8 milioane, icirc nregistr acirc nd icirc n 2007 o cre 351 tere de 76 fa 355 259 de finalul anului 2006, icirc n timp ce num 25 ... |
anrcti, anunta, 58, milioane, de, romani, conectati, la, internetbdquopia355a, comunica355iilor, din, romacircnia, continu259, s259, se, dezvolte, icircntrun, ritm, alert, 351i, ...
piezoelectric accelerometers, piezoresistive sensors, pressure sensor, pressure sensors, pressure transducer, pressure transmitter, sensors, torque sensor, torque transducer, accelerometer, torque transducers, transducer, transducers, vibration sensors, accelerometers, automotive sensors, cavity pressure, cutting force, engine sensors, force sensor, force sensors, load cell, force transducer, force transducers, injection moulding, measuring instruments, piezoelectric |
piezoelectric accelerometers, piezoresistive sensors, pressure sensor, pressure sensors, pressure transducer, pressure transmitter, sensors, accelerometer, torque sensor, torque transducer, load cell, torque transducers, transducer, transducers, vibration sensors, accelerometers, automotive sensors, cavity pressure, cutting force, engine sensors, ...
With its business lines, Bulk and Performance Monomers, Molding Compounds and Acrylic Sheet, the Methacrylates Business Unit is part of Degussa's Specialty Materials Reporting Segment. With its standard and specialty products, the Methacrylates Business Unit is a leading global supplier of methacrylate chemicals. The business unit is one of the few suppliers to operate along the entire value chain, from raw material to finished acrylic. Our strategy focuses on three key areas - specialization, g ... |
monomers, methacrylate, MMA, PLEXIGLAS, PLEX, PARAPAN, PLEXICOR, PLEXIMID, PLEXALLOY, CYROLITE, XT Polymer, PLEXIFIX, ACRIFIX, SOUNDSTOP, Ester, crosslinkers, Acryl, granules, sheet, rod, ...
RCGS solutions - injection molding |
RCGS, molding, design, injection, plastic injection, inset mold, core mold, action mold, unscrewing mold, manufacturing, equipment, quality, mold, design, mold technology, CNC, EDM, molds, cost-effective, plastic injection, ...
Trinom Prod Proiect - Liquid Injection Moulding of Liquid
Silicone Rubber |
Elemente de semnalizare pentru infrastructura rutiera, feroviara, navala. Echipamente de siguranta destinate vehiculelor rutiere. Produse media.
Produse din mase plastice executate prin injectie, suflare sau extrudare.
Warning elements for road, railway or naval infrastructure. Passive security elements for road vehicles. Media products.
Plastic products manufactured through injection, blowing or extruding. |
