Cuvinte cautate: Integrat | pagina 11


Inkorporate Print_Index - Adresa web
Ofera servicii integrate pentru o gama larga de materiale tiparite.

Welcome to InsightMedia, What can we do for you today? - Adresa web
Develops easy to use & scalable business solutions for online & offline needs. We focus on the client needs, continously helping the growth of the business through advertising strategies. We provide a full package of services including Internet Consulting/Web Development/Branding/Re-Branding/Web Design/e-Commerce Solutions/Internet Security/CRM/Professional Presentations in the most professional way. What can we do for you today?

Instal Data Proiect, proiectarea esențială, Servicii integrate în domeniul instalațiilor - Adresa web
Instal Data Proiect - Consultanta tehnica si proiectare de specialitate; servicii integrate in domeniul instalatiilor

INTEGRATOR, software and services, dezvoltare software, romania Sisteme Integrate de Securitate - Adresa web
● Sisteme de securitate si protectie, paza umana, paza obiective, Sisteme de alarmare Monitorizare audio/video, Paza obiective Transport valori Garda de corp Interventie rapida

ISDC, Integrated Systems Development Corporation, The Netherlands - Adresa web
ISDC is een Nederlandse ICT-dienstverlener gespecialiseerd in het snel en kosteneffectief moderniseren, ontwikkelen, integreren en onderhouden van bedrijfskritische maatwerk applicaties voor grote en middelgrote organisaties.

INVENTA, Agentia de Consilieri in Proprietate Industriala, Consiliere / Mandatare proceduri OSIM pentru ... - Adresa web
Agentia Universitara INVENTA este o companie privata specializata in domeniul proprietatii industriale, asigurand reprezentare prin imputernicire si servicii de consultanta persoanelor fizice si juridice din Romania, in vederea obtinerii, in tara sau in strainatate, de titluri de protectie a inventiilor, marcilor de produse sau servicii, desenelor industriale, topografiilor de circuite integrate, precum si altor servicii din domeniul proprietatii industriale.

IP Devel is a leader in the Romanian software outsourcing market. The success of this dynamic company relies on each team's capabilities to engineer some of the newest, most innovative, most challenging projects worldwide. IP Devel helps clients build, integrate, and support their mission-critical applications, delivering cost-effective solutions with established quality standards at its offshore facility. With larger, diversified projects on order, specialization and expansion accelerate our co ...

ISIS, Sistem Integrat de Contabilitate, Prima pagina - Adresa web
ISIS - Sistem Integrat de Contabilitate, ISIS - Sistem Integrat de Contabilitate
ISIS, Isis, ISIS, Isis

Enterprise Content Management Solutions (ECM), Open Text Corporation - Adresa web
Open Text (Nasdaq: OTEX) (TSX: OTC) is the market leader in providing Collaboration, Enterprise Content Management software solutions. Livelink, is an integrated compliant software solution for the global enterprise.

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