MICROTECH ELECTRONIC ofera o paleta larga de servicii profesionale in domeniile Networking, Computere si Software. |
Microtech Electronic, Intel, Microsoft, INTEL, Product integrator, UTP, FTP, STP. Panduit, Leviton, retele, IT, server, TCP/IP, fibra optica, hub, switch, ethernet, lan, patch cord, monitorizare retele, ...
MSA este prima agentie de publicitate full-service din Cluj ce ofera servicii integrate de promovare dedicate retelelor de magazine si lansarii de produse pe noi piete. 10 ani de experienta in servicii media shop, advertising, ATL, productie firme luminoase, spoturi audio, evenimente, lansari, BTL, PR, corporate identity, webdesign, targuri, expozitii, tiparituri, promotionale, servicii integrate, panouri, outdoor, grafica publicitara, marketing direct. |
Agentii, publicitate, Cluj, Transilvania, servicii, media, advertising, campanii, comunicare, ATL, firme, luminoase, spoturi, evenimente, lansari, BTL, PR, identitate, vizuala, corporate, ...
my-news.ro este o platforma integrata de elemente multimedia de comunicare on-line adresata utilizarii in sfera publicitatii, marketingului, relatiilor publice si jurnalismului.Imbinarea de audio, video, text si bannere dinamice, desface evenimentul in segmente pentru fiecare tip de media si-l aduce in fata utilizatorului cat mai real cu putinta.my-news.ro este un canal de transmisie care permite companiilor si profesionistilor din PR si advertising sa comunice cu jurnalistii si utilizatorii web ... |
comunicat, comunicare, relatii publice, media, institutii publice, evenimente, jurnalisti, companii, brand, print, ziare, reclama, audio, video, televiziune, multimedia, stiri, politica, partid, servicii, ...
Official site of MyCeramic / design and manufacture ceramic products / ceramic design |
tableware planterware sanitaryware officeware hotelware giftware throphy tillware integrated design service ceramic design services surface pattern shape design ceramic and glass industries separation artwork
MyManager Automotive Business Software este un program informatic capabil sa rezolve problemele legate de stocurile de piese auto, facturare, codurile echivalente, preturile produselor din magazinele de piese auto, firme de distributie si service auto. |
piese auto, program, service auto, parc auto, piese, auto, service, reparatii, contabilitate, gestiune, stocuri, service auto, program piese auto, analiza contabila, distributie, comenzi, echivalente, program service auto, sistem integrat, management, ...
Nortel is a recognized leader in delivering communications capabilities that enhance the human experience, ignite and power global commerce, and secure and protect the world's most critical information. |
Central and Eastern Europe, Nortel, Nortel Networks, Northern Telecom, Unified Networks, digital switching, voice data communications, mobility, mobile communications, multimedia communications, carrier, telecommunications carrier, voice over IP, voice over data, wireless network, Integrated Wireless Centrex, telecommunications equipment, network routing switch, network routing, routing switch, ...
Nortel is a recognized leader in delivering communications capabilities that enhance the human experience, ignite and power global commerce, and secure and protect the world's most critical information. |
Central and Eastern Europe, Nortel, Nortel Networks, Northern Telecom, Unified Networks, digital switching, voice data communications, mobility, mobile communications, multimedia communications, carrier, telecommunications carrier, voice over IP, voice over data, wireless network, Integrated Wireless Centrex, telecommunications equipment, network routing switch, network routing, routing switch, ...
NOVA is a privately owned multinational company specialized in the integration of voice and data for the telecommunications industry. |
network, networking, video over ip, voip, voice over ip, cisco, dialogic, postpaid, call, audiocodes, gateway, router
Develops highly scalable online business solutions. Focusing on client growth through prospect conversion and customer retention. Enhancing the customer experience with full service Internet Consulting - Web Development - Branding - Web Design - e-Commerce - System Integration - Internet Security - CRM |
internet consulting, web development, web design, branding, system integration, internet security, e-commerce, e-business, business consulting, boston web design, shopping cart, internet development, web applications, dynamic websites, web based systems, IT outsourcing, business strategy, application development, database driven, user experience, ...
Next Point Consulting - Consultanta in management, marketing, vanzari si resurse umane. Excelenta in selectia si implementarea solutiilor informatice de gestiune si administrare integrata a firmei - Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs). |
afaceri, afacerilor, analiza, angajator, audit, auditarea, CAEN, civil, civila, clasificare, comercial, comerciala, comerciale, consultant, consultanta, cont, contract, cursuri, departament, departamentul, ...
