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Automation. SYSCOM 18 offers Complete Solutions For Control & Instrumentation, is a system integrator, having applications in the field of oil and gas, cement, ceramic, medicines, metallurgy; has been certified ISO 9002 (ISO 9001/2004) and ISO18001. |
Industrial automation, process control, transmitter, transducer, density meter, viscosity meter, gas analyser, liquid analyser, emmission monitoring, dust monitor, water-cut analyser, calibrator, sensor, data acquisition, burner, flame detector, valve, pump, controller, panel indicator, ...
TNS is a system integrator and technology distributor/reseller that assists public and private organizations with computer-based solutions to complex information technology issues. |
Calculatoare performante pentru toate buzunarele. Solutii IT profesionale pentru afaceri de succes. Calculatoare noi si din import, consumabile PrintStar, tipografie digitala, postere & afise indoor A4 - A0, distribuitor UPS-uri profesionale EFFEKTA - Made in Germany - Integrator de solutii bazate pe UBUNTU Linux |
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Grupul de firme STAR WEST si-a inceput activitatea in 1992 cu importul si distributia de utilaje catre Companii de Servicii Publice si Firme de Constructii. Treptat compania s-a dezvoltat ajungand sa-si diversifice gama de produse astfel incat acum este un adevarat INTEGRATOR DE SOLUTII : UTILAJE – PIESE DE SCHIMB – SERVICE fiecare din ele cu departamente distincte . |
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Tryamm - Solutii digitale in actiune! Importator unic Gestetner in Romania, distribuitor Fellowes, SER, DigiDocFlow, Secured eMail, Readsoft, Panasonic, DELL, HP, COMPAQ, ofera clientilor o solutie completa pentru producerea si managementul documentelor firmei. Comercializeaza si asigura service si consultanta la sediul clientului pentru echipamentele de birou, computere, copiatoare, imprimante laser color si alb/negru, faxuri, scanere, echipamente de format mare, consumabile, distrugatoare de d ... |
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