We are a Romanian web design company, based in Brasov. We have been established since 2001 to build websites, multimedia presentations, business card cd's and more. We have knowledge in working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP/MySQL,
asp.net and Flash. We build web sites, web aplications, intranet aplications and online shops at affordable prices and with our professional touch |
brasov; products; web; design; web design; web site; PHP; asp.net; prezentari multimedia; multimedia presentations; business card cd; flash; C; C++; C#; services; software; produse software; solutions; b2b; e-commerce; comert electronic; development;
Touchscreen.ro - monitoare touchscreen, monitoare touch screen, monitor cu ecran senzitiv, touchpanel, sisteme POS touch screen, infochiosc touch screen. Solutii integrate si produse bazate pe tehnologia touch screen.... . |
touchscreen, touch screen, monitoare touchscreen, monitor cu ecran senzitiv, interactive cd, touchpanel, POS Touch Screen, Gladius, Crossbow, Sarissa, laser bar code scanner, imprimante termice, imprimante termice industriale, imprimante termice POS Samsung, imprimante termice ATM Swecoin, multimedia kiosk, kiosk design, interactive multimedia kiosk provides leading edge custom designed kiosk solutions interactive kiosk display, infochiosc, chiosc interactiv, ...
Tur Virtual imagini panoramice interactive.Servicii profesionale complete de promovare web, dtp, fotografie panoramica, tiparituri, serigrafie. |
TypoGraphics srl: design, prepress, print, web design |
typo, typographics, tipo, tipografie, tipografii, dtp, print, web, design, web design, graphics, grafica, interactive, Calin Chereches, Calin, Chereches, grosswardein, nagyvarad, transilvania, transylvania, ...
The British Business Community provides you with up-to-date information about the Romanian Business scene. Find your business partner in our database of over 1800 companies |
Romanian Business news, daily news, local media, information, law, business, Romanian news, market, investor resources, legislative updates, LinkLaters&Alliance, Andersen, economic statistics, reviews, Economist Corporate Network, IT, IDG, exchange rates, Romanian companies, presentations, ...
Jucarii educative, interactive, cadouri pentru baieti si fete, Papusi, Jocuri educationale, Jucarii - VTECH, Jucarii bebe, Jucarii Corolle, Puzzle, Jocuri Constructie LEGO, Minimodele Schleich, Creative building, Duplo creative building, Duplo train, Animale de casa, Animale de la tara, Animale de padure, Animale din gradini zoologice, Animale marine (scara 1:32), Cai, ...
VISUALIS - We are an Interactive Media & Consulting Agency based in Cluj-Napoca & Bucharest - Romania - somewhere in Europe |
visualis, visual, vizualis, vizual, design, e-commerce, comert electronic, e-cart, shopping cart, magazin online, media, graphic design, graphic, flash, css, xhtml, web development, creative, interactive, creative media, ...
Voxline Communication - IVR, SMS, Micropayment, Numere Dedicate, Call Center |
IVR, ivr, suport cu operatori, numere dedicate, callcenter, call center, sms, microplati, campanii sms, comunicari sms, continut pentru mobil, solutii integrate, jocuri, jocuri flash, flash, interactiv voice responder, micropayment, operators support, dedicated numbers, sms informal messages, ...
Voxline Communication - IVR, SMS, Micropayment, Numere Dedicate, Call Center |
IVR, ivr, suport cu operatori, numere dedicate, callcenter, call center, sms, microplati, campanii sms, comunicari sms, continut pentru mobil, solutii integrate, jocuri, jocuri flash, flash, interactiv voice responder, micropayment, operators support, dedicated numbers, sms informal messages, ...
Voxline Communication - IVR, SMS, Micropayment, Numere Dedicate, Call Center |
IVR, ivr, suport cu operatori, numere dedicate, callcenter, call center, sms, microplati, campanii sms, comunicari sms, continut pentru mobil, solutii integrate, jocuri, jocuri flash, flash, interactiv voice responder, micropayment, operators support, dedicated numbers, sms informal messages, ...