O gama foarte larga de accesorii si inventar hotelier: de la lenjerie, pilote, perne, draperii si perdele, alaturi de cosmetice hoteliere ajungand pana la surse de iluminat economice Philips. |
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O gama foarte larga de accesorii si inventar hotelier: de la lenjerie, pilote, perne, draperii si perdele, alaturi de cosmetice hoteliere ajungand pana la surse de iluminat economice Philips. |
hotel, hotelier, amenajare hotel, decoratiuni hotel, dotari hotel, dotare hotel, cosmetice hotel, accesorii hotel, ambient hotel, articole hotel, saltele hotel, prosop hotel, iluminat hotel, inventar hotel, uniforme hotel, solutii hotel, spa hotel, ...
Online sales and auction management. Vendio provides Smart Services to Smart Sellers (TM). Vendio enables businesses of all size to leverage the distribution potential of the Internet. Through its suite of sales management services and full-service asset remarketing solutions, Vendio helps businesses efficiently promote, sell, and distribute their products online by automating and managing every element of the online sales process. Services offered include inventory management, online store cre ... |
auction, auctions, online auction, action, auctioneer, auctioneers, auction company, auction portal, auction site, auction image hosting, auction counters, auction manager, auction management, AW, image hosting, online selling, small business, SMB, small businesses services, customer relationship management, ...
Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Suceava ca organizatie autonoma, neguvernamentala si de utilitate publica are menirea sa promoveze interesele membrilor sai in raport cu autoritatile romane si cu organismele din strainatate, pentru dezvoltarea economiei judetului corespunzator cerintelor economiei de piata, fiind practic suma agentilor economici care vor sa adere la statutul si regulile de conduita in afaceri pe care le propunem. |
camera, comert, industrie, agricultura, suceava, chamber, commerce, industry, agriculture, cci, ccisv, firma, societate, afaceri, tirg, top, brm, sua, osim, marca, ...
Handmade to Hi-Tech, Art, Crafts and Inventions.
Costumes, Jewelry, Baskets, Candles, Supplies and more... Creative Works From Creative Minds. Remember... My Creations are My Creation! |
art, arts, crafts, my creation, mycreation, personal creation, holiday crafts, portal web, creator graffiti, artists, inventors, arts and crafts, my creations,
handmade, hand made, costumes, buy my creations, sell my creations, custom creations, fine art, ...
O gama foarte larga de accesorii si inventar hotelier: de la lenjerie, pilote, perne, draperii si perdele, alaturi de cosmetice hoteliere ajungand pana la surse de iluminat economice Philips. |
hotel, hotelier, amenajare hotel, decoratiuni hotel, dotari hotel, dotare hotel, cosmetice hotel, accesorii hotel, ambient hotel, articole hotel, saltele hotel, prosop hotel, iluminat hotel, inventar hotel, uniforme hotel, solutii hotel, spa hotel, ...
Dalkia este inventatorul si liderul european al serviciilor energetice. Optimizarea performantelor tehnice, economice si de protectie a mediului pentru toate instalatiile pe care clientii ni le incredinteaza - aceasta este vocatia noastra. |
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Datascan is specialized in Barcode and Mobile solution (Inventory, Picking), providing Hardware Equipment and Software solution and all Services associated. |
cod de bare, imprimanta de etichete, etichete, Symbol, Zebra, Datalogic, RFID, Inventar, Logistica, Picking, depozit, Livrari, Shipping, Barcode printers, terminale Mobile, Scanner, Barcode reader, Industrial terminal, Label applicator, Thermal printers, ...
O gama foarte larga de accesorii si inventar hotelier: de la lenjerie, pilote, perne, draperii si perdele, alaturi de cosmetice hoteliere ajungand pana la surse de iluminat economice Philips. |
hotel, hotelier, amenajare hotel, decoratiuni hotel, dotari hotel, dotare hotel, cosmetice hotel, accesorii hotel, ambient hotel, articole hotel, saltele hotel, prosop hotel, iluminat hotel, inventar hotel, uniforme hotel, solutii hotel, spa hotel, ...
e-translation, societate de traduceri tehnice, specializata in traduceri de brevete de inventii |
traduceri tehnice, brevete de inventii, chimic, industrial, aeronautic, agricol, alimentatie, apicol, arhitectural, aviatie, bio-inginerie, biologie, biotehnologie, calculatoare, chimie, comunicatii, constructii, design interior, ecologie, electric, ...