Cuvinte cautate: It outsourcing | pagina 40


abonamente service IT, depanari, deplasari nelimitate, externalizare servicii IT, outsourcing, sfaturi profesionale, optimizare sisteme operare, depanare specializata, prevenire defectiuni, suport tehnic, diagnosticari, devirusari, instalari, retele, server, vanzare calculatoare, incarcari cartuse, web design, mentenanta web

ASK - Adresa web
Help Desk, Outsourcing and Business Solutions

Brasov Web Design, Alex Flueras, New Media Designer - Adresa web
Brasov Web Designer - Alex Flueras. New Media Designer - Site-uri web, e-commerce, prezentari complexe si Identitate Corporativa.

-:: AMCInfo Consulting, servicii IT ::- - Adresa web
AMCInfo consulting: servicii IT, colaborare IT, outsourcing, retele, consultanta, help desk, solutii software, AMCInfo, web design

Amedeo Roumanie: présentation de la société - Adresa web
Amedeo Roumanie: nous sommes une société informatique roumaine, un vrai spécialiste de l'offshore dans le domaine informatique.

Welcome to - Adresa web
Rwebworks offer solutions for the technologies that support today's rapidly evolving, ever-changing business environment. We have been on the cutting-edge, bringing proven experience and in-depth expertise to bear on Information Technology challenges. Our systems development, and e-Business solutions enable us to stand strong as one of the most respected technology firms, Outsourcing to India

Sevicii si solutii de Call Center, sondaje, telemarketing, customer care, info line, inbound, outbound ... - Adresa web
Servicii si solutii profesionale de contact center, inbound, outbound, customer service, help desk, telemarketing, sondaje, implementare de sisteme de call center, consultanta, hosted services - call centre si comunicatii voip, outsourcing., Activitatea noastra are ca scop principal declarat initierea si mentinerea unui parteneriat solid si de lunga durata cu clientii nostri, relatie mentinuta printr activitati de comunicare variate.

Business is dedication - Adresa web
Elefterescu Business Group - business is dedication - web developement & outsourcing applications voip

CyberSYS Software, Servicii Web, Web Design, Solutii Software, Aplicatii Personalizate - Adresa web
Cybersys Software Romania ofera servicii profesionale de web development, web design, promovare online, internet marketing, solutii software personalizate si aplicatii internet/intranet complexe.

DAB IT Outsourcing - Adresa web
Servicii IT, IT Outsourcing, IT Helpdesk. Cel mai mic pret din Romania.

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