tonuri, apel, logo, sonerii, free, SMS, telefon, telefoane, GSM, poze, imagini, color, Romania, romanesti, top, topuri, funny, love, dragoste, Connex, ...
tonuri, apel, logo, sonerii, free, SMS, telefon, telefoane, GSM, poze, imagini, color, Romania, romanesti, top, topuri, funny, love, dragoste, Connex, ...
Trillcode is a 2D barcode made to be used with mobile phones. Its strength is the scalable design which will allow not only increasing capacity, but inside modifications as well. Stay tuned to see what new features will be added regularly. Promotions, tickets, advertisements, business cards, marketing research with feedback, content download - all you can imagine we can implement in a dedicated solution. Visit LARK computers at www.lark.ro for innovative products. |
trillcode, 2D code, image code, decoder, encoder, lark, mobile, software, games, business, phones, pda, bluetooth, java, jme, j2me, ...
GSM, gsm, secrete, coduri, mobil, Mobil, Mobile, mobile, datecast, datacast, DataCast, Data Cast, Data Chast,
cast data, data casting, GSM, Guide, guide, GUIDE, Mobile Metro Guide, ...
outsource, outsourcing, romania, company, software, simulation, low cost, low prices, application development, c, c++, java, visual c++
Programare in Java, Aplicatii industriale, Aplicatii Web, Cursuri, Training, Specializari |
Simpatic Software is an independent software company that produces custom applications for their customers. We use an Agile methodology and try to use as many best practices as possible. We try to keep things simple, but provide our customers with top of the edge applications that are easy to use and cheap to mantain. Our motto is: Information is Power. Controling the Information, the Power will be yours! |
Simpatic Software, simpatic, software, programming, java, c#, c sharp, asp net, asp.net, javascript, html, css, php, mysql, tutorial, free software, web design, webdesign, web application, templates, ...
WebArt Software - ofera servicii de web design, graphic design, aplicatii client - server (e-business, e-commerce, etc.), aplicatii interactive, prezentari multimedia, web hosting, consultanta IT. |
webdesign, web design, pagini web, internet, host, rate, html, tabele, stiluri, frame, javascript, applet, mapari, harti de imagine, sigle, logo, bannere, gif, avi, prelucrari imagine, ...
Web Architect is a web applications developing company. Our activity covers the following areas: web design, computer graphics, data-base development, software miniapplications development. |
web design, site, programming, design, graphics, advertising, web, dynamic, software, data-base, animation, styles, css, java script, macromedia flash, php, MySQL, asp, e-commerce, maintenance, ...
WEBDESIGN, artdesign, DESIGNWEB, webdesignproject, art design, design web, web programing, WEB DESIGN, romania web design, programing web, web design romania, oferte web design, corel, DESIGN WEB, flash design, web design, fireworks design, design flash, design fireworks, html design, ...
