O gama foarte larga de accesorii si inventar hotelier: de la lenjerie, pilote, perne, draperii si perdele, alaturi de cosmetice hoteliere ajungand pana la surse de iluminat economice Philips. |
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Hotel in Bucharest - Bucharest Comfort Suite: hotel with very comfortable suites, large rooms, living sharing rooms, king beds, mini bars, personal safes, TV sets and very relaxing Jacuzzi bathrooms. Each suite is luxuriously furnished with comfortable armchairs and sofas, offering a high standard of accommodation at affordable rates combining the convenience of a hotel with the privacy of an apartment. |
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Coral Enterprises - o gama larga de detergenti, dezinfectanti si alte produse chimice de aceeasi natura. |
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Cozac Group comercializeaza o gama larga de confectii, incaltaminte si echipament sportiv, precum si articole de moda prin lantul propriu de magazine. |
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Vasile Deleanu is one of Romania's leading law firms. Our main office is in Bucharest. |
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