Ratza & ratza is an Intellectual Property firm in Romania, with extensive practice covering Trademarks, Patents, Industrial Designs, Copyright, Domain Names, Licensing, Litigation and Enforcement, providing representation before the Patent and Trademark Office, competent Courts of Law and Authorities for national and international clients. |
trademarks patents industrial designs copyright domain names licensing litigation enforcement law intellectual property law romania
Ratza & ratza is an Intellectual Property firm in Romania, with extensive practice covering Trademarks, Patents, Industrial Designs, Copyright, Domain Names, Licensing, Litigation and Enforcement, providing representation before the Patent and Trademark Office, competent Courts of Law and Authorities for national and international clients. |
trademarks patents industrial designs copyright domain names licensing litigation enforcement law intellectual property law romania
Cabinet avocatura Simona Coman - Law Office of Simona Coman |
ASC, Simona Coman, asclegal, Bucharest, Romania, law office, solicitors, attorneys, legal services, legal practice, commercial law, corporate law, employment law, property law, privatisation, insolvency, competition, intellectual property, negotiation, litigation, ...
Burchel & Associates - Attorneys At Law |
Law Firm, Intellectual Property, Corporate & Commercial, Employment & Executive Compensation, IT & Telecom, Environmental Law, Litigation & Arbitration, Media & Advertising, Mergers & Acquisition, Real Estate And Construction, Taxation, Law Firm Romania
Chadbourne & Parke LLP is a full service law firm specializing in all aspects of corporate, commercial, financial, bankruptcy, tax, insurance, litigation and intellectual property matters. |
Chadbourne & Parke LLP is a full service law firm specializing in all aspects of corporate, commercial, financial, bankruptcy, tax, insurance, litigation and intellectual property matters. |
K.Kostopoulos & Associates Law firm based in Greece |
Corporate Law, Agency and Franchise, Civil Law, European Community Law, Foreign Investments, Mergers and Acquisitions, Privatisation, Litigation, Arbitration, Tax Law, Debit Collection, Insurance Law, Real Estate, Trademarks and Patents, Maritime Law, ...
Cabinete Asociate de Avocati. Drept Comercial. Oferim asistenta juridica firmelor sau persoanelor juridice romanesti sau straine |
consulatanta juridica, consultanta fiscala, Romania, drept, contabilitate, Eastern Europe Companies, Romanian Companies, Romanian Bar Association, Assitance in Court in Romania, Romanian market, Romanian Lwyers, Avocati, Infiintare firme, avocatura, asistenta in justitie, servicii de avocatura, cabinete de avocati, cabinet de avocatura, business lawyer, fiscal, ...
nestor, diculescu, kingston, petersen, attorneys, counselors, building bridges, seelegal, nestor and the state's billions, ion nestor, manuela nestor, ana diculescu, ana diculescu-sova, andrew kingston, patricia petersen, adriana gaspar, adina chilim, cristina filip, alina radu, firm development, ...
nestor, diculescu, kingston, petersen, attorneys, counselors, building bridges, seelegal, nestor and the state's billions, ion nestor, manuela nestor, ana diculescu, ana diculescu-sova, andrew kingston, patricia petersen, adriana gaspar, adina chilim, cristina filip, alina radu, firm development, ...
