Call Center, Inbound Calls, Outbound Calls, Call Center Romania, Telemarketing |
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Studio profesional VideoChat Iasi, angajam fete, modele, pentru activitatea de Video Chat Iasi . Profesionisti in Video Chat Iasi, te provocam sa te alaturi echipei noastre. Virtual Media Studio, Iasi videochat studio, cu noi dorintele tale devin realitate |
Studio VideoChat Iasi, VideoChat Iasi, Locuri de munca Iasi, Angajari Iasi, Video chathost, modele videochat Iasi, chathost iasi, videochat, studio videochat, video chat, studiou videochat iasi
ACME Networks, Networks, cabling, maintenance, email, proxy, web, firewall, corporate solutions. |
Linux, Unix, open source, networking, LAN, WAN, RAID, sendmail, postfix, squid, proxy, dns, services, security, firewall, vpn, mysql, php, apache, solaris, ...
Stiri Non-Stop, Revista Presei, Ziare si Reviste, TV si Radio Live Online, Audio, Cariere, Masini, Travel, Download, Video, Romania |
Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
Advantage Software Factory, Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Sales Force automation, Customer Support, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania
Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
Advantage Software Factory, Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Sales Force automation, Customer Support, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania
Live Customer Support, Free live support, free 24x7 live customer support |
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Endava . Professional IT Services organisation operating across Europe, specialized in the delivery and operation of IT based Business Solutions and Secure Messaging Systems for Financial Services, Telecoms, Media and Technology |
Java, .Net, Microsoft, Nearshore, Offshore, Managed Services, Technical Support, Software, Development, Testing, Consultancy, Linux, Windows, Requirements, Architecture, Financial Services, Telecoms, Media, IT Services, IT Business Solutions, ...