SISAD asigura: ordonarea si inventarierea arhivelor inclusiv arhive tehnice si de inregistrare, subanchiriere spatiu depozitare, indosarierea documentelor, selectionarea dosarelor, stabilirea termenelor de pastrare si intocmirea nomenclatorului dosarelor |
management arhivistic, ordonare arhiva, arhivistic,
depozit arhiva, arhiva, servicii arhivare, arhivare, depozit, lucrari arhivistice, consultanta arhivistica, consultanta,
arhive tehnice, documente, nomenclator dosare, securitatea informatiilor, indosarierea documentelor,
informatii, arhiva, cutii arhivare, ...
software development, e-business, e-commerce, large software projects, IT integrator, most important Romanian ERP (SIVECO Applications) |
software development, software development romania, software, software design, design and development, e-business, e-commerce, off-shoreoutsourcing, custom software, ERP, SIVECO Applications, Oracle Applications, Oracle, enterprise resource planning, ebusiness, ecommerce, three tier, web, Internet, leader, ...
translations and localizations in all languages and language combinations, focus on automotive, Central and Eastern European languages, language software solutions, DTP services in any format |
software localization, web localization, DTP services, translation agency, translation company, proofreading, technical translation, medical translation, automotive translation, law translation, proofreading, language combinations, interpreting, Central and Eastern European languages, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, language solutions, translation services, ...
models agency, romanian girls, romania models, romania, models, agency, romanian models, romania models, fitness, naked, fashion, glam, glamour, commercial, reclame, foto shooting, underwear, culture, swimsuit, teen models, ...
This site is in romanian and english, and contains data about Satu Mare county&city, and many more useful things for traveling or what to visit in this zone. |
Romania, Satu Mare, satu, mare, Carei, Negresti-Oas, Negresti, Oas, Tasnad, Acas, Acis, Andrid, Apa, Ardud, Batarci, Beltiug, Berveni, Bixad, Birsau, Barsau, ...
SMP is a small sized CRO with its main office in Brasov, Romania. |
medical, clinical, research, contract, medicine, trial, second phase, organisation, romanian, Romania, pharmaceuticals, drug, bioequivalence, study, studies, company, hospital, east europe, standard, , ...
jazz, band, dixie, music, dixieland, jazz music, romanian jazz music, romanian jazz, sibiu, romania, mp3, flash, songs, vasile snaco, nelu petcu, feri caltea, remus toader, dan oswald, gigel diaconescu, nelutu teofilat, ...
| - Federatia Romana de Snooker |
Romlink Invest ltd. - Gordius is a romanian rope and cordage manufacturing company.
Romlink Invest srl. - Gordius este o firma care produce snururi si frânghii,
utilizate pt. confectionarea jaluzelelor, pungilor de hârtie, fixarea bannerelor, în navigatie si alte domenii.
A csíkszeredai Romlink Invest kft. - Gordius fo tevékenysége a zsinór- és kötélgyártás. |
Solasart romanian producer of decorative glassware, tip Galle and Daum vases and lamps, Art Nouveau and Art Deco style art glass, fused metal and glass applique decorative hand made art objects. |
Galle, Solasart, Galle Reproductions, Decorative Glassware, Emille Galle, Art Glass, tip galle, Galle glass, vases, lamps, art nouveau, vase, lamp, art déco
