The Elite Apartments at CentreVille reign supreme over the hotel apartments in Romania. Elite Apartments are designed to become your new long term luxury suites headquarters in Bucharest. |
Aparatura medicala pentru sectiile de terapie intensiva, sectiile de chiriurgie cardiovasculara si sectiile de chirurgie interventionala |
Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Suceava ca organizatie autonoma, neguvernamentala si de utilitate publica are menirea sa promoveze interesele membrilor sai in raport cu autoritatile romane si cu organismele din strainatate, pentru dezvoltarea economiei judetului corespunzator cerintelor economiei de piata, fiind practic suma agentilor economici care vor sa adere la statutul si regulile de conduita in afaceri pe care le propunem. |
camera, comert, industrie, agricultura, suceava, chamber, commerce, industry, agriculture, cci, ccisv, firma, societate, afaceri, tirg, top, brm, sua, osim, marca, ...
franciza, francize, Franchise, News, 24, first, dedicated, franchise, tv, broadcast, worldwide, channel, franchise, franciza, francize, afacere la cheie, afaceri la cheie, oferite de francizor, francizatilor, Cum puteti cumpara o franciza mai ieftin, ...
Holcim is one of the world's leading suppliers of cement and aggregates (crushed stone, sand and gravel) as well as further activities such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt including services. The Group holds majority and minority interests in more than 70 countries on all continents, and employs some 90, 000 people. |
Cement, Aggregates, Concrete, Building Industry, Construction Materials, Building, Construction, Cementitious materials, Holcim Ltd, Holcim Group, Holcim Ltd., Cement supplier, Holsim, Holcem, Holzim, Holzem, Holderbank, readymix, ready mix concrete, slag, ...
Robcon TM SRL is a business located in Timisoara, Romania. We sell coating, welding, heating technology, but also trucks and other heavy equipment. We can represent your business in Romania. |
welding, coating, systems, robots, roboti, industrie, sudura, vopsire, industry, equipment, technology, heating, robcon, romania, Romania, engineering, consulting, cloos, wagner, kamaz, ...
Cohn&Jansen Ashley&Holmes is a Romanian based creative advertising agency. |
Ashley, worldwide, Holmes, creative, marketing, advertising, management, branding, consulting, strategy, interactive, online, Internet, Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania, companie, corporate, interactive, IndustryStandard, ...
Unul dintre cei mai mari de producatori de incaltaminte din piele naturala din Romania |
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High precision round steel bars, shafts and tubes for linear motion system. High precision round bars, shafts and tubes for hydraulic, pneumatic industry. |
cromsteel, steel bars, round steel, slide shafts, linear shafts, precision shafts, piston rods, chromed bars, cylinder tubes, hydraulic tubes, Targoviste, Romania, Dambovita
CUG, C.U.G, Combinatul de Utilaj Greu, Heavy Equipment Works, Cluj-Napoca, Koloszvar, industrie, industry, iron, steel, mechanic, melt, fier, mecanic, otel, topit, Romania, Romānia, ...
