Digital Media Group is a romanian web development team. We offer a wide range of quality web design, 3d graphic design, Macromedia Flash design, web programming in PHP, HTML, XHTML, Javascript, database management in MySQL and high quality web hosting solutions |
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Digital Studio - a kreatív partner |
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Creativ Solution, Wittmann; Partner; Sibiu; application; web application; web design; office management; solution; design; resource planning; e-commerce; ASP.NET; ASPX; ASP; ADO.NET; ADO; PHP; JSP; HTML; VC; PB; Java; J2EE; WPCS; AIRG;
Siemens System Partner - Centrale telefonice, call center centrala telefonica voip, telefoane fixe si fara fir DECT, centrale telefonice Siemens, service centrala telefonica Siemens Alcatel |
ELGIR company trades both internal and international by this 24/7 online shop for selling and buying products and also for services of promotion. We do business by partnership, seriousness and respect for clients and collaborators. |
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Parteneriatul de Mediu pentru Minerit (EPM Environmental Partnership for Mining) este o retea extinsa de profesionisti si persoane interesate formata pentru examinarea posibilitatilor de reabilitare si/sau asigurare a integritatii mediului in zonele miniere din Romania, pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea durabila. |
Euroconf is a Romanian garments factory with a long tradition in the country and abroad. The today stateliness of the company is due to its tradition, product quality and to the accurate achievements of the customers' requirements |
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EurotaxGlass’s is the product of a merger between the two companies, Eurotax AG and Glass’s Information Services Limited, and has its headquarters near Zurich, Switzerland. We have a presence in 27 European countries and Australia, operating through 20 subsidiaries and eight distribution partners. |
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Entire Romanian Web completely indexed, available on desktops & PDAs, with (1) marketing info related: site rank, link popularity, name popularity, search engine saturation, keyword verification, html verification; (2) solutions to improve your traffic: submit site, include search box, metatags & keywords generator; (3) statistics |
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